Geneva has the sleepy tidiness of a man who combs his hair while yet in his pyjamas.

War is both the product of an earlier corruption, and a producer of new corruptions.

Utopias rest on the fallacy that perfection is a legitimate goal of human existence.

The cure for a broken heart is simple, my lady. A hot bath and a good night's sleep.

There is nothing as likely to succeed as what the enemy believes you cannot attempt.

With difficulty he is beaten who can estimate his own forces and those of his enemy.

Winning medals wasn't the point of the Olympics. It's the participating that counts.

Every right is married to a duty, every freedom owes a corresponding responsibility.

Legions and fleets are not such sure bulwarks of imperial power as a numerous family

Mankind apparently find it easier to drive away adversity than to retain prosperity.

From 1991 till the present, Iraq sovereignty has been trampled by the United States.

No being can be what he is unless he is putting his essence into action in his field.

Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some hire public relations officers.

The world of crime is a last refuge of the authentic, uncorrupted, spontaneous event.

What I find amazing is how sometimes ideas will just click, seemingly without effort.

I never make the mistake of arguing with people for whose opinions I have no respect.

It was no longer esteemed infamous for a Roman to survive his honor and independence.

It [Calvinism] established a religion without a prelate, a government without a king.

My heart does sometimes bleed for those who are hurting in my own country and abroad.

Change does not necessarily assure progress, but progress implacably requires change.

Many exceedingly rich men are unhappy, but many middling circumstances are fortunate.

The fact that war belongs to the past, does not mean it has to be part of the future.

Let us in the name of the Holy Trinity go on sending all the slaves that can be sold.

Air warfare is a shot through the brain, not a hacking to pieces of the enemy's body.

In order to begin an analysis, there must already be a synthesis present in the mind.

There are certain wicked people in the world that you can't deal with except by force

He who would confine his thought to present time will not understand present reality.

Stagnation is death. If you don't change, you die. It's that simple. It's that scary.

Every generation revolts against its fathers and makes friends with its grandfathers.

In Great Britain, woman was subordinate and confined. But at least she was also safe.

There is nothing that is more often clothed in an attractive garb than a false creed.

The scandal of the evangelical mind is that there is not much of an evangelical mind.

Until he is forty, a man is too young to marry; and after he is forty, he is too old.

The person who has the strong ownership of free speech is the one who owns the press.

I delivered leaflets for my dad and was paid £5 per thousand, which was slave labour.

The Armenian genocide showed what could happen when empires were beaten into nations.

I cant summarize my favorite movie, Jacques Tatis Play Time. You just have to see it.

I left Russia in 1993 optimistic that democracy had taken hold despite the obstacles.

The starting point for the understanding of war is the understanding of human nature.

There is no fixed road to wealth, and goods do not stay with the same master forever.

Nothing mortal is so unstable and subject to change as power which has no foundation.

Most men today cannot conceive of a freedom that does not involve somebody's slavery.

If there had been no troublemakers, no Dissenters, we should still be living in caves.

Free supplies and open retreat are two essentials to the safety of an army or a fleet.

The Manifesto was a cowardly proceeding, the more I thought of it the less I liked it.

Something can be done with people who put pickled onions in: strangulation seems best.

History is an indispensable even though not the highest form of intellectual endeavor.

Our most widely known scholars have been trained in universities outside of the South.

So long as large armies go to battle, so long will the air arm remain their spearhead.

The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance - it is the illusion of knowledge.

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