Teachers affect eternity. There is no telling where their influence stops.

No man should be in politics unless he would honestly rather not be there.

Few of us take the pains to study the origin of our cherished convictions.

A crude mind could easily think: something is valid, therefore it is true.

Good men who exercise power are really the most fascinating of all people.

Freedom was conditioned by man's physical body, heredity, and environment.

Men and women do not live by bread alone. They also need sustaining ideas.

It is when fortune is the most propitious that she is least to be trusted.

That business does not prosper which you transact with the eyes of others.

Favor and honor sometimes fall more fitly on those who do not desire them.

History does not produce definitive answers for all time. It is a process.

I went to school at a place that also shaped my life, Boston Latin School.

Television came looking for me; it was never a plan to become a presenter.

I would say I'm a 19th-century liberal, possibly even an 18th-century one.

Whosoever desires constant success must change his conduct with the times.

Political vitriol is a familiar enough characteristic of American history.

Black men should be with Black women. And they should love and honor them.

The natural law is an instrument for progress, not a weapon of revolution.

The worst crimes were dared by a few, willed by more and tolerated by all.

Three of the gravest failings, want of sense, of courage, or of vigilance.

I know exactly how and where I am going to die. The only question is when.

Popular culture is simply a reflection of what the majority seems to want.

To stimulate wildly weak and untrained minds is to play with mighty fires.

Liberty cannot be established without morality, nor morality without faith.

The most dangerous moment for a bad government is when it begins to reform.

No protracted war can fail to endanger the freedom of a democratic country.

He who seeks freedom for anything but freedom's self is made to be a slave.

Alpacas are very endearing, and they all have very different personalities.

The costliest myth of our time has been the myth of the Communist monolith.

A sign of celebrity is that his name is often worth more than his services.

The fears of one class of men are not the measure of the rights of another.

Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world.

It seems a long time since the morning mail could be called correspondence.

History is the interpretation of the significance that the past has for us.

It is the goal of the American university to be the brains of the republic.

I can't visualize the situation in which we nuke ourselves into extinction.

To curb the machine and limit art to handicraft is a denial of opportunity.

A.J.[Muste] died in the late '60s, I think. He was 81, something like that.

Impetuosity and audacity often achieve what ordinary means fail to achieve.

All states and nations, however great, bloom for a season and are replaced.

Winners of wars get a standing start in the post-war stakes of remembrance.

Understanding the past requires pretending that you don't know the present.

The love of power and the power to attract love were not easy to reconcile.

Sudden and slashing reforms are as perilous as sudden and slashing surgery.

Like their predecessors, the Presidents of today just throw up their hands.

Things are not to be judged good or bad merely because the public think so.

By general consent, he would have been capable of ruling, had he not ruled.

Love of fame is the last thing even learned men can bear to be parted from.

Human nature is the one constant through human history. It is always there.

The secret to happiness is freedom... And the secret to freedom is courage.

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