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It's a privilege to serve in Washington, D.C., but I never lose sight of what the Lord has called me to do in my life. And that is to be, first a husband, and then a father, and succeed there from His perspective, and He'll take care of everything else.
The president desires a peaceful resolution of the confrontation with North Korea and we'll continue to pursue that, but it all begins when the Kim regime announces their willingness to abandon their nuclear and ballistic missiles program and not before.
[J.F Kennedy] was a congressman and a senator and he would go on to be president. I had that idea as a little boy, and I used to joke to people but nobody told me that his father was ambassador to England and that he was a war hero, and he was, you know.
We will have a mechanism for dealing with people in this country that - you heard the word humanely again. It is going to be fair. It is going to be tough. But there will be no path to legalization, no path to citizenship unless people leave the country.
The president-elect [Donald Trump] has set a very aggressive agenda, and I think that repealing and replacing Obamacare with the kind of health care reform that'll lower the cost of health insurance without growing the size of government will be job one.
I said after 2006 that Republicans didn't just lose our majority, we lost our way. I mean, our party walked away from the principles that men in our national governing majority first in 1980 and again in 1994, and the American people walked away from us.
The American people want to see our nation standing tall on the world stage again. They want to see us supporting our military, rebuilding our military, commanding the respect of the world, and they want to see the American economy off to the races again.
What Donald Trump is determined to do, as someone who has spent a lifetime looking for deals, is to see if we can have a new relationship with Russia and other countries that advances the interests of America first and the peace and security of the world.
What I'm OK with is protecting the American people. What I'm OK with is, when people have the intent to come to this country and take American lives, that we are prepared to do what's necessary to gain the information to protect the people of this country.
It's a supporting role, and I relish the opportunity to take those relationships I've developed, the experiences I've developed, to carry the president's agenda to our nation's capital, to leaders there, but also to leaders in state capitals around America.
You couldn't have a more clear choice between Donald Trump and I, who will end illegal immigration in this country, and - and Hillary Clinton, who will pursue more of the same, executive amnesty, open borders, which the American people are sick and tired of.
I thought it was important to speak about what I believe would be the right response to Russian aggression in Ukraine. I'm pleased to hear there is more sanctions maybe coming tomorrow. But the truth of the matter is I think we need less talk and more deeds.
We provide an enormous amount of resources, particularly with regard to military resources, to countries all over the world. And in many cases, those countries are not compensating the American taxpayer for the commitment that we're making to their security.
I really couldn't be more excited about the opportunity that we have with this new president [Donald Trump] to really turn this country around and get the economy moving again and have America standing tall again, home and abroad, to make America great again.
Then by the springtime, you'll see us moving an effort to cut taxes for working families, small businesses and family farms to reform our business taxes in this country so that American businesses can compete more effectively with businesses around the world.
The reality is that there's heartbreak and tragedy that has struck American families because people that came into this country illegally are now involved in criminal enterprise and activity. We don't have the resources or the will to deport them systemically.
Why would there be any contacts with Russian between the presidential campaign? This is all a distraction, and it's all part of a narrative to delegitimize the election and to question the legitimacy of this presidency. The American people see right through it.
The truth is you cannot command the respect of the world when you spend years apologizing to our enemies and abandoning our friends. Lecturing the American people about the Crusades while refusing to call Islamic extremism by name is an abdication of leadership.
Just growing up in Columbus, which is such a special place, small town with a Fortune 500 company's headquarters, the extraordinary modern architecture. The experiences that I've had growing up in that very unique hometown has shaped me and always will shape me.
The reality is, there is heartbreaking tragedy that has struck American families because people who came into this country illegally are now involved in criminal and reprise and activity, and we do not have the resources or the will to deport them systematically.
The president made it clear that he expected Congress, while they take action to repeal the most corrosive elements of Obamacare, the taxes, the mandates, things that are suppressing job creation and driving up the premiums for working families across the country.
Seven out of 10 Americans know the country's headed in the wrong direction, that in a very real sense that this is a clear choice between change in the status quo and I've always been telling crowds, the other side says if you like your status quo you can keep it.
If you want real change, if you want a stronger America at home and abroad and an America that cherishes our highest ideals, head out the door right now and go cast your vote for Trump, the next president of the United States, and we will make America great again.
President Trump has no higher priority than the safety and security of the American people. And he made it clear in this election, particularly in the wake of the terrorist attack in Paris where individuals had used a refugee program to gain access to that country.
We like to say we're in the promise keeping business. And literally from the first day of this administration we've been working to put into effect the policies that the president campaigned on, and that we really do believe will strengthen America at home and abroad.
We have got to do a better job recognizing and correcting the errors in the system that do reflect an institutional bias in criminal justice, but what Donald Trump and I are saying is let's not have the reflex of assuming the worst of men and women in law enforcement.
We have rights in America. In tandem with those rights, we have responsibility. Whatever type of journalist we are, whether it be in the entertainment business, or as professional journalists, we always have the consequences of the way we present fact and information.
Both of us [me and Donald Trump] were raised to believe that to whom much is given, much will be required. And so for the president-elect that meant that what - he describes himself this way, the kid from Queens would go to Manhattan Island and build the big buildings.
I served in Washington, DC for twelve years in the Congress of the United States, and I served with many Republicans and Democrats, men and women of goodwill. The potential is there to really change the direction of this country, but it's going to take leadership do it.
Under Donald Trump, our deals will be smarter, our soldiers will have what they need, and our veterans will have what they earned. We will secure our borders, protect our nation. In all this, we will be more serious. And when we do, this nation will start winning again.
To see the way that [my mother] held our family together after my dad passed away, and then went to college after my youngest sister went off to school on her own, and mom went and got a college degree in her 60s is just incredibly inspiring. So, I would just say my folks.
The focus of President Trump's administration will continue to be to have a safer America, to have a more prosperous America, and to continue to advance the president's agenda, both on Capitol Hill and through executive action and carry that message all across the country.
People who have come to the USA legally, who stood in line, who played by the rules, in the Latino and the Hispanic community, just like every other American, long to have a president that says, "We are a nation of laws, and that we're going to uphold and enforce those laws."
Well, I think the reality is that as you study - when President Kennedy cut marginal tax rates, when Ronald Reagan cut marginal tax rates, when President Bush imposed those tax cuts, they actually generated economic growth. They expanded the economy. They expand tax revenues.
I would tell you that for me the sanctity of life proceeds out of the belief that ancient principle that - where God says before you were formed in the womb, I knew you, and so for my first time in public life, I sought to stand with great compassion for the sanctity of life.
The American people are tired of being told. They're tired of being told that this is as good as it gets. They're tired of hearing politicians in both parties tell us that we'll get to that tomorrow while we pile a mountain range of debt on our children and our grandchildren.
We're at war with the ISIS caliphate that sprang up because Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama precipitously withdrew all American forces from Iraq and created a vacuum of power, that ISIS was able to overrun vast territories that our soldiers had won in Operation Iraqi Freedom.
With the rise of ISIS, our alliance with Turkey is more important than ever before, the ability to have access, to move resources into the region and also, most importantly, to engage Turkey fully in the battle against global terrorism, is - about protecting the American people.
The American people get to express themselves, and in the ways that they choose. But I have got to tell you, I - this convention, I have sensed a tremendous amount of energy, a tremendous amount of unity, not around the personalities, but around the choice that we face in the fall.
I'm grateful for Donald Trump's pro-life views. And I'm grateful that he's expressed those views so publicly and openly. And, look, the American people know that there are issues that divide us very quickly, and they're issues that are often matters of the heart for every American.
One of my earliest memories was President [J.F.] Kennedy's funeral. I actually remember sitting on the floor in the living room looking at our black-and-white television and watching the caisson roll by and hearing the clip-clop of the horses. It's actually one of my earliest memories.
Whether it's being repealing or replacing Obamacare, rolling back excessive regulations, making the kind of investments that'll support infrastructure, or reducing taxes and reforming business taxes across the country. That's just a sampling of the things that we're working on right now.
If you want a president who will upend the status quo in Washington, D.C., and appoint justices of the Supreme Court who will uphold the Constitution, we have but one choice, and that man is ready. This team is ready. Our party is ready and when we elect Donald Trump, the 45th president.
I opposed No Child Left Behind, I opposed the Medicare prescription drug bill, I opposed the Wall Street bailout. What the American people are starting to see is that Republican, Republicans on Capitol Hill get it and the Democrats, from the White House to Capitol Hill, just don't get it.
I promise you that when the circumstances arise where I have a difference on policy or on presentation, I have - I can tell you in my heart, I know - I would have no hesitation, were I privileged to be vice president, to walk into the president's office, close the door, and share my heart.
The challenges facing our country today, I think, have even more even to do with America's place in the world, with a struggling economy that isn't producing the jobs that Americans long to see, with the kind of economic policies that seem to have other countries winning and America losing.
The American people, I think, are tired of being told. They're tired of being told this is as good as it gets. They're tired of being told, like Ronald Reagan used to say, that little intellectual elite in a far distant capital can plan our lives better for us than we can plan them for ourselves.
I joined presidential campaign in the summer, and I can tell you that all the contact by the Donald Trump campaign and associates was with the American people. We were fully engaged with taking his message to make America great again all across this country. That's why he won in a landslide election.
We're [with Donald Trump] working from Day 1, which will be [Monday, January 23 2017], the first full business day of the administration, to begin to roll back the unconstitutional executive orders and an avalanche of regulations that have been stifling growth and jobs in Indiana and across the economy.
Working with President Trump closely and seeing the way he operates as a leader, he's always interested in a broad range of opinions. But make no mistake about it. We want in this administration people that share the president's vision for a safer America. For a stronger America. For a more prosperous America.