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When I worked at the White House in the mid-1990s, I would not have dreamed of sharing my beliefs on faith with my colleagues.
George W. Bush broke a mold four years ago: Even though he lost the popular vote, he governed as if he had won by acclamation.
I have a fascination with Flight 93. My emotions are mixed: awe, gratitude, fear, heartache, pride - even, in some ways, guilt.
Just as I try to find ways to be more productive every year for myself, I also look for tips to pass on to young professionals.
I remember my mom saying to me that what your friends do is one thing, but what you do could be on the front page of the paper.
I grew up admiring Ronald Reagan and Vice President Bush, and if I were old enough, I would have voted for 41. I was glad he won.
Choosing to be loved and to take the leap to get married younger than most of my friends was not a career-limiting decision for me.
I had been in so many towns and cities in America with John Kennedy, but I was not with him in Dallas, Texas, on November 21, 1963.
Because what I say from that podium has got to be accurate, and I'm the only one who's going to be held liable if it's not accurate.
We now know that a neo-conservative is an arsonist who sets the house on fire and six years later boasts that no one can put it out.
Even President Obama has not suggested he could get another country to pay for building a wall between Mexico and the United States.
Obama has made America cool again - and more than that, he's made his own brand arguably the most powerful the world has ever known.
For target shooting, that's okay. Get a license and go to the range. For defense of the home, that's why we have police departments.
There are so many similarities between a startup venture and a political campaign - the rhythm, the tempo, the hours, the intensity.
It's time to create an Economic Growth Code whose purpose is to fix and grow the economy, not redistribute massive amounts of wealth.
I'm angry at what's happening to America and angry with myself that I can't do more. I would be miserable if I couldn't bear witness.
America Held Hostage won 24 Emmys for ABC News, but someone forgot to include my name on the list of people responsible for the show.
What's right and good doesn't come naturally. You have to stand up and fight for it - as if the cause depends on you, because it does.
I have seen hate born of fear, hate speaking in the name of God and truth, hate holding up a distorting mirror to fellow human beings.
Onassis was a man who loved to walk, to walk and talk, and he was the kind of man who doesn't go to sleep at night-he talks and talks.
When I was knowingly misled but only learned that much later, that's really when I started to become disillusioned at the White House.
Somewhere near you, somebody right now is trying to help the indigent and poor - providing food, shelter, clothing or simple kindness.
I think a lot of women, especially ones that want to achieve career goals, tend to worry. I don't want anyone to worry their life away.
Believe me, as one who has seen a number of international crises firsthand, they cannot be handled without an understanding of history.
If Mr. Obama wants to get things done, he must recognize that in Washington only the president has the power to make the first big move.
Most women beat themselves up because they think they are not good enough at anything. All of those things just eat at you all the time.
President Obama was never going repeal Obamacare - he was not going to be brought to his knees with the threat of a government shutdown.
The president assured the chancellor that the United States is not monitoring and will not monitor the communications of the chancellor.
Anytime James Carville, Paul Begala and David Axelrod hold hands and jump for joy, it's worth pondering how to turn their joy into tears.
The consensual seduction of the mainstream media by and with the government is one of the most dangerous toxins at work in America today.
The thing about war is that once it's triggered, it is unyielding in its appetite. And the more it consumes and gorges, the more it wants.
One of the problems with a candidate like Bob Kennedy, and his brother before him, was that people assumed they didn't need contributions.
A lot of people criticize the primaries, but I think they are absolutely essential to the education of the President of the United States.
Democrats single out glaring examples of tax preferences or spending priorities that favor the wealthy and Republicans cry 'class warfare!'
Jackie Kennedy was magnificent in the days and weeks immediately following her husband's assassination. She was especially wonderful to me.
The Orange Revolution was a powerful example of democracy around the world. The people of Ukraine are continuing to shape their own future.
Contrary to the myth that Mr. Bush cut taxes only for the wealthy, the 2001 tax cut reduced taxes for every income-tax payer in the country.
I'm a worrier by nature. My husband says that if I'm not worried about something, I'm worried about what I've forgotten to be worried about.
The most important thing that everybody can do, aside from building and keeping your network strong, is make good choices about your health.
Women's particular experiences continue to shape not just their points of view but their actions, in the United States and around the world.
The White House doesn't create jobs. The government together - White House, Congress - creates policies that allow for greater job creation.
When I learn something new - and it happens every day - I feel a little more at home in this universe, a little more comfortable in the nest.
I love my right-wing friends, my practical friends, my bleeding heart friends - without all of these viewpoints, life would be pretty boring.
I think the president's quite comfortable being the underdog. I think he's happy to run this race from - as if he were behind the whole time.
President Bush has committed billions to the fight against AIDS, thus making retroviral drugs available to millions of HIV-positive Africans.
This is the first time in my 32 years in public broadcasting that PBS has ordered up programs for ideological instead of journalistic reasons.
I suggest that people make an effort to reach out to five people a month. Not just by Facebook or email or Twitter. I'm talking hard-copy note.
In fact, so much of life, as you know, is serendipitous. That's why you better be prepared at any time for anything, because it may happen to you.
Scientists investigate that which already is; Engineers create that which has never been. Creativity is piercing the mundane to find the marvelous.
Our economy is a plantation run for the aristocrats - the CEOs, hedge funds, private equity firms - while the field hands are left with the scraps.