The secret of learning to be sick is this: Illness doesn't make you less of what you were. You are still you.

You gotta play the hand that's dealt you. There may be pain in that hand, but you play it. And I've played it.

So we should all, me included, stop fighting each other and arguing about our differences on certain policies.

The business of peace requires more than showing up with paint brushes, foodstuffs and an oil pipeline or two.

I get a choice every time I have to open my mouth: that it can be with civility and dignity and grace - or not.

I don't think women hold all the answers, but with their skills, their strengths, we can get to a better place.

On several occasions President Kennedy encouraged me to take a lover, an obvious sign he also had some himself.

Well, uh, all people - all, I think all human begins, uh, have good attributes, and they also have their flaws.

When politicians rush to fix things, it's a sure sign that either the intended patient is dead or fully healed.

It's the people who are doing the nonviolent organizing at the grassroots that make me think there's still hope.

There's hardly a more bitter pill to take than when a President disappoints the people who most believed in him.

Watching the debate this afternoon it was apparent they loved term limits in the House - as Brutus loved Caesar.

Journalists who make mistakes get sued for libel; historians who make mistakes get to publish a revised edition.

Once you break someone of the habit of up-talking, they can start to see immediate improvement in their careers.

Just recognize that you are not going to become a comfortable public speaker overnight. It can take a long time.

I lived at home for 2 1/2 months each time. I waited tables at Govnr's Park Tavern in Denver and then I moved on.

If you're a Republican woman, you're mostly on your own when it comes to support from traditional women's groups.

One of the best ways to deal with the peer pressure of the 'Fear of Missing Out' is to opt-out whenever possible.

I'm not going to parse the statement. You've got the statement I made earlier and the statement speaks for itself.

To outlive one's child is a terrible thing, but to do so because your child has taken his or her life is horrible.

We have high confidence that they have weapons of mass destruction. That is what this war was about and it is about.

Risk is the inevitable product of liberty - and it's responsible not only for great tragedy, but also great triumph.

A producer is a saboteur who tries to infiltrate the passivity of viewers and to create impressions that are lasting.

I think it is very good for the country, for the world, and especially for the Democrats that Harry Reid is retiring.

Women communicate differently and process information differently, which leads them to resolve conflicts differently.

We want lives of simple, predictable ease-smooth, even trails as far as the eye can see-but God likes to go off-road.

Clinton's resilience became sort of the secret weapon of the campaign. He was never going to just give up and get out.

We don't care really about children as a society and television reflects that indifference to children as human beings.

I hear these people saying [Barack Obama]'s like George Bush. Those people ought to be drug tested. I mean, it's crazy.

If you think Independence Day is America's defining holiday, think again. Thanksgiving deserves that title, hands-down.

There are certain times you rattle the press's cages, and other times you don't, and you have to be discerning about it.

Obama has become too dependent on formal speeches and set town halls. His idea of mixing it up is taking off his jacket.

The fight is always the same within the Democratic Party, isn't it? The more things change, the more they stay the same.

You're young and you're bulletproof and invincible. But never underestimate the power of other people's love and prayer.

The energy problems that we face today were built up over a long period of time and are not going to be solved overnight.

It's so much easier to do press if you take positions that the press likes than to take conservative Republican positions.

The first presidential election I really paid attention to was in 1988 when George H. W. Bush ran against Michael Dukakis.

Maybe there'll be a simple, innocent explanation. I don't think so, because I think we would have offered that up already.

It never ceases to amaze me that in times of amazing human suffering somebody says something that can be so utterly stupid

As press secretary, I spent countless hours defending the administration from the podium in the White House briefing room.

I feel like there should be a statute of limitations on scoring political points on the tragedy that was Hurricane Katrina.

I am endlessly fascinated that playing football is considered a training ground for leadership, but raising children isn't.

I think the burden is on those people who think he didn't have weapons of mass destruction to tell the world where they are.

If the watchdog doesn't bark, how do you know there's a burglar in the basement? And the press is supposed to be a watchdog.

At a time when the cost of health care is skyrocketing, the potential economic impact of mind/body medicine is considerable.

Ann Coulter is very popular. She has got a niche. She is a best selling author, but she does not represent Republican women.

Having a sense of humor has served me more than it has hurt me - just in the sense that it has allowed me to keep my sanity.

American journalists and politicians made a perfect spectacle of themselves in discussing the Abu Ghraib prison controversy.

I was raised to believe that America was a force for good in the world and that it should take its leadership role seriously.

Many people don't give a rip about politics and know as much about public affairs as they know about the topography of Pluto.

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