Values will be adjusted, and enterprising people will pick up the wrecks from less competent people.

One could drive a prairie schooner through any part of his argument and never scrape against a fact.

Every good businessman or woman carefully analyzes all the available facts before making a decision.

When companies fail, shareholders bear the losses. It's just the way our system is supposed to work.

China and the U.S. are the two largest importers of oil. They are the two largest emitters of carbon.

I grew up with a strong set of values - and one was never judging someone by how much money they had.

We must limit the perception that some institutions are either too big or too interconnected to fail.

Well, I make a practice of not commenting on the role of the relative exchange value of our currency.

I believe that the root cause of every financial crisis, the root cause, is flawed government policies

Most consequential choices involve shades of gray, and some fog is often useful in getting things done

I believe that the root cause of every financial crisis, the root cause, is flawed government policies.

Most consequential choices involve shades of gray, and some fog is often useful in getting things done.

The usefulness of cow-peas and soy-beans as human food has been recognized only recently in this country.

The government can help, but we need to make this transition now to a recovery led by private investment.

Providing reserves and exchanges for the whole world is too much for one country and one currency to bear.

The duty of the individual farmer, at this time, is to increase his production, particularly of food crops.

In China, export lobbies have fought for policies that favor their interests and limit foreign competition.

We have to keep our eye on inflation, but so far inflation remains reasonably in check on the global stage.

Never in the history of the world has there been a situation so bad that the government can't make it worse.

Well, I think the global economy is in the position for continuing good growth with inflation well in check.

A balanced program for tax reform based upon the common sense idea of lowering taxes out of surplus revenues.

I never once considered that it was appropriate to put taxpayer money on the line in resolving Lehman Brothers.

Personal liberty without economic liberty is an absolute contradiction; the one cannot exist without the other.

There's a great lack of financial literacy and understanding in this nation, even among college-educated people.

Achievers must not be penalized or parasites rewarded if we aspire to a healthy, productive, and ethical society.

If the spirit of business adventure is dulled, this country will cease to hold the foremost position in the world.

I'm telling you that there is no silver bullet to keep home prices from going down or to prevent all foreclosures.

The government can help, but we need to make this transition now to a recovery led by private investment, private.

The advantage of the cauliflower is that if all else fails, you can always cover it with melted cheese and eat it.

We do many things at the federal level that would be considered dishonest and illegal if done in the private sector.

Pop taught me respect for my fellow man and reverence for my God. He taught me the importance of family and religion.

It is the policy of the federal government to use all resources at its disposal to make our financial system stronger.

Give tax breaks to large corporations, so that money can trickle down to the general public, in the form of extra jobs.

I don't see (subprime mortgage market troubles) imposing a serious problem. I think it's going to be largely contained.

Sovereign wealth fund money should be welcomed. The only way not to welcome that money is when it's politically driven.

We've had crooks from the beginning of time... it's always very interesting and troubling why good people do bad things.

There is only one social system that reflects the sovereignty of the individual: the free-market, or capitalist, system.

It's a safe banking system, a sound banking system. Our regulators are on top of it. This is a very manageable situation.

Buying a home today is a complex process, but that in no way excuses home buyers from their obligation for due diligence.

The Chinese have done some extraordinary things in terms of the investments they've made in alternative sources of energy.

When you're boiling in oil, in the middle of a crisis, the challenges are so consuming there is no time for anything else.

One of the most constant aspects of American life is change - and nowhere is it more evident than in our financial markets.

Many of the Western democracies - including the U.S. - have a problem that voters want benefits they don't want to pay for.

We [Federal Government] have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work.

I hope to help the Indian government advance their economic reform agenda, which will benefit India's citizens and the world.

If you really want to help the poor, help the rich. They're the ones who will invest, build more factories, create more jobs.

Size is the enemy of excellence in investment banking, particularly when you are trying to put together two different cultures.

After I left Treasury, I think in some ways it was harder to sit there and be writing my book... listening to all the criticism.

When you have a big, ugly problem, there's never going to be a neat, elegant solution that is totally painless or without a cost.

I never cared about money. When I was at school, I never wanted a car. I was focused on sports, studies, camping, being outdoors.

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