I agree with what the Chairman Greenspan said whatever it is that he did say.

It's a terribly hard job to spend a billion dollars and get your money's worth.

Liquidate labor, liquidate stocks, liquidate the farmers, liquidate real estate.

In just about every area of society, there's nothing more important than ethics.

As our relationship with China grows and matures, tensions will naturally emerge.

I prefer to work at the policy level, on trying to fix flawed government policies.

While Pop lived his life in comfort, he was always generous to the less fortunate.

It's common knowledge that a large percentage of Wall Street brokers use astrology.

I am suspicious of career engineers, people that plan it out every step of the way.

I will never apologize for changing the approach or strategy when the facts change.

The nation should have a tax system that looks like someone designed it on purpose.

A nation is not in danger of financial disaster merely because it owes itself money.

Pay attention to the intricate patterns of your existence that you take for granted.

There is no way to stabilize the markets other than through government intervention.

Anticompetitive practices hurt Chinese private firms nearly as much as foreign ones.

I see nothing in the present situation that is either menacing or warrants pessimism.

The problems we face are human problems and therefore are capable of human solutions.

I think all governments engage in intelligence gathering vis-a-vis other governments.

In all my life, I've been trained that when there's a big problem, you run toward it.

When the economy is growing, there's a lot that can be done to deal with the deficit.

I don't take lightly ever putting the taxpayer on the line to support an institution.

Complexity and interconnectedness matter as much as size in assessing risk in banking.

An AIG failure would have been devastating to the financial system and to the economy.

Condoms aren't completely safe. A friend of mine was wearing one and got hit by a bus.

The nation ought to have a tax system which looks like someone designed it on purpose.

Rice at present prices provides more food for the money than most of the other cereals.

Some of us are like a shovel brigade that follow a parade down Main Street cleaning up.

What I've said repeatedly is, 'I think the auto industry is a very important industry.'

At dinner parties I sit below the salt now. There are a lot of interesting people there.

If you've got a bazooka, and people know you've got it, you may not have to take it out.

The choice is between which mistake is easier to correct: underdoing it or overdoing it.

Taxpayer money should not have to be spent to save a misguided and mismanaged enterprise.

Too often, we restrict trade that would create U.S. jobs and is in our national interest.

Illiquid asset purchases are all about capital and encouraging private capital to come in.

If the financial system collapses, it's really, really hard to put it back together again.

I don't have a distaste for ambiguity, in fact, ambiguity is what I think life is all about.

China saves too much, produces too much, sells too much to Americans and consumes too little.

There is a very real danger that financial regulation will become a wolf in sheep's clothing.

I grew up on a farm - I know the smell of horse manure. It does smell better than pig manure.

The plausible outcomes range from the gradual and benign to the more precipitous and damaging.

There's always light at the end of the tunnel, right? It just depends on how long the tunnel is.

I know the automakers are important to the United States. We care about the automobile industry.

Predators, they're the best coal miners' canary. When they're gone, you've got a sick ecosystem.

Rigor is always appropriate when investing in markets, whatever the ultimate conclusions may be.

There is big resistance from vested interests in China that don't want to open up to competition.

Prosperity of the middling and lower orders depends upon the fortunes and light taxes of the rich.

Non-bank financial institutions provide credit that is essential to U.S. businesses and consumers.

Barley, where it succeeds, yields a larger weight of feed per acre than any other small grain crop.

China has a more assertive, proactive foreign policy as its interests are growing around the world.

I've never been antiregulation. I've always believed that raw, unregulated capitalism doesn't work.

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