The object of a Constitution is to restrain the Government, as that of laws is to restrain individuals.

I am told that the Saudis have organized 34 countries who want to join in the battle against terrorism.

I do not support a civil war. I don't want to be policeman of the world. But we can't back off of this.

As long as the White House is deadly serious, which they tell me they are, I'll help them anyway I can.

Part of Washington keeping its promises is a focus on directing more dollars into our local classrooms.

It's outrageous that many enlisted people qualify for food stamps because military salaries are so low.

I have a high regard for Native languages and the pivotal role they have played in our nation's history

I raise this objection to debate the process, and protect the integrity of the true will of the people.

Isn't it blatantly racist to assume blacks can't pass a simple civics exam in the same rates as others?

People can expect to see a lot of me - I'm not too proud to stand on corners and hold my campaign signs.

Despite the best of efforts, many foster children are neither reunited with their families, nor adopted.

Water, water, everywhere, Atlantic and Pacific. But New York City's got them beat, Our aqua is terrific!

An overstretched military undermines homeland security and our ability to meet threats around the world.

Honor and good faith and justice are equally due from this country toward the weak as toward the strong.

The American people want economic prosperity, high-quality goods and low prices, all of which I support.

Obama sought a strategy of accommodating our enemies, even if they weren't so willing to accommodate us.

The home ownership process for Native Americans has been hobbled by bureaucratic delays and regulations.

I have a high regard for Native languages and the pivotal role they have played in our nation's history.

I think recent revelations about who's in what bed speak to the problems with what happened in the Gulf.

The word nobody wants to use, but you see if you are here illegally, that's the punishment, deportation.

He can fight terrorists overseas, but he leaves our borders so they can come in here and do their thing.

Good supporters who have single daughters say, 'Hey, you need to take my daughter out.' And it's awkward.

U.S. nuclear technology is one of this nation's most valuable secrets, and it should have been protected.

I enjoy the company of prostitutes for the following reasons: It represses women, it's generally illegal.

I think in the U.S., the border fence is no longer an immigration issue primarily; it's a security issue.

Your future shines bright - find your purpose and go for it. Starting tomorrow, you can change the world.

The U.S. economy and workers benefit from a strong, healthy relationship between government and business.

Today they have proven once again that the mainstream media can't print enough bad news about our troops.

At the end, the Saudis have agreed to put together a coalition inside of Syria to stabilize that country.

I doubt that I am the first member of Congress to tell off a reporter, and I am sure I won't be the last.

The committee's finding that China stole sensitive technology from U.S. weapons research labs is alarming.

Since 1998, the Administration has begun to upgrade counterintelligence and security at U.S. weapons labs.

The United States has far more to offer the world than our bombs and missiles and our military technology.

Only with our government are you given a certificate at birth, a license at marriage, and a bill at death.

Embryonic stem cell research will prolong life, improve life and give hope for life to millions of people.

The reason we have such a reform budget is because we've been thinking about these things for a long time.

I am proud to be an American, and proud that such beliefs are at the core of our country and its citizens.

Last month, the Iraqi people went to the polls, voting in their first free election in more than 50 years.

I represent a district in Nevada, a state that is home to more wild horses than all other states combined.

In fact, the place where we have indicted more terrorists or potential terrorists, is our Northern border.

Organized hatred needs a single target to serve political mobilization, so no distractions can be allowed.

To the Left, Islam, like the rest of the 'Third World,' is one of the many victims of Western Imperialism.

I lost a lot of territory I really enjoyed having, but there was no doubt I had to do it to help Democrats.

I was planning to be a baseball player until I ran into something called a curveball. And that set me back.

Speak up! We live in a democracy. We all need to make sure our voices are heard and our opinions are known.

I probably have another two or three years. Or I can pass tomorrow, but it doesn't make a difference to me.

English should be our official language. Reading and speaking English are requirements to become a citizen.

As American taxpayers know too well, the tax code is incredibly complex and compliance is all to expensive.

God gives me unconditional love. I'm going to give it to my family and my friends and the people around me.

Everybody should have a chance to rise. That's our philosophy in Ohio and that's my philosophy for America.

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