You should be willing to do something that will take you five minutes or less for anybody.

My company is called Ciné-Tamaris, which is rosemary. That's my speed. Hot water and herb.

I saw part of The Singing Detective on TV in New York. I said, Something is going on here.

Luck, I never looked to make difficult movies on purpose. You make the films you can make.

I've always been completely autocratic. I've never learned to be diplomatic or democratic.

You learn real early to make a film and then duck, and basically that's how I go about it.

I think every beautiful tale in the world hides the truth and reveals it little by little.

To make a film is easy; to make a good film is war. To make a very good film is a miracle.

While 'Babel' is a foreign-language film in some countries, in others, it is a local film.

I think that people would like to, at all times, reject death and disease with technology.

Filmmaking can give you everything, but at the same time, it can take everything from you.

I never think about the audience. If someone gives me a marketing report, I throw it away.

I'm a drifter and an outsider. There's not one single environment I can totally belong to.

I just did a dramatic love story. Whether it's a cultural phenomenon is not for me to say.

'Bombay Velvet' is my first film in a trilogy about Bombay, before it became a metropolis.

I've been following what's happening in Colombia because it's the country of my childhood.

At the moment, my mother is the only one left in Glasgow, although it's certainly my home.

From the beginning, we were prepared, we know how we would shoot and cut the two versions.

In comedy, though, it's good to get feedback from the audience about what they find funny.

The music of the most popular operas is so highly esteemed, it can stand endless revivals.

People dance and we have a lot of music and... this might be the closet I get for a while.

I've been out doing signings and talking to a lot of people, and I'm just really grateful.

I grew up in the Northeast; I've seen hurricanes before and trees down and cars destroyed.

I don't know of a more noble, a bigger deal as a filmmaker than to be a YouTube filmmaker.

I liked movies so much that they became an obsession. I am still trying to kick the habit.

I like films where the music and the sound design, at times, are almost indistinguishable.

Inside the family, you can go from hate to passivity to extreme love within the same hour.

First I went to the Sorbonne to do my licence en lettres, but I also started to study law.

For me, it's important that the script is good. Then a good director will want to make it.

But you know, as you say, the original versions of my films are getting out there, slowly.

That's the world of policing. I've met some bad-ass female cops, who are very cool people.

I like cappuccino, actually. But even a bad cup of coffee is better than no coffee at all.

If you stay true to your ideas, film-making becomes an inside-out, honest kind of process.

I've always been interested in giving the audience a first-person experience in my movies.

You can't help but be influenced by the things you love. Read more at:

I don't owe my success to state subsidies but to a faithful public which has sustained me.

There is abundant testimony that if we choose love rather than self, we gain immeasurably.

Peellaert's comic strips were the literature of intelligence, imagination and romanticism.

We had access to too much money, too much equipment, and little by little, we went insane.

I am less instinctive as I try to be more professional - about the music, about the sound.

I think a story should take as long to tell as it is appropriate to that particular story.

Zombies are the real lower-class citizens of the monster world and that's why l like them.

My stuff is my stuff. I do it for my own reasons, using my own peculiar set of guidelines.

It's so great to work with people you know and love and trust, but also open up the world.

I have a sort of a fetish for insects, clockwork, monsters, dark places, and unborn things

I know it sounds really weedy, but we are all children who seek approval from our parents.

I can't stand films where parents are portrayed as old and doddery, and ignore their kids.

There's no great movie where you haven't been emotionally connected to the main character.

My process is thinking, thinking and thinking - thinking about my stories for a long time.

When you're a kid and you see gangsters living the life, you kind of want to be like that.

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