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Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you fall into an open sewer and die.
It’s harder to write a story with just two people in a room than with 50 characters.
It's harder to write a story with just two people in a room than with 50 characters.
Being with an insanely jealous person is like being in the room with a dead mammoth.
I think I am kind of put on this Earth to speak of being between worlds in my films.
We had everything from the BBC on our TV, so British drama seems very close to home.
Films have gotten leaner and leaner, cutting out all variations from the story line.
The world needs change, change needs an activity. It has to be planted by a thought.
Jenna Malone was a very important piece of how the film [The Neon Demon] turned out.
I'm not a producer and I don't even know the places my producer goes to, thankfully.
I feel myself becoming more mature and more fascinated and drawn to feminine values.
One thing I know is that I don't want to be a director for hire, making genre films.
'Aliens' was a brilliant movie, but you still wanted to see the Alien come to Earth.
I very much see 'Resident Evil' as my franchise that I kicked, screaming, into life.
I'm more interested to show the darkest places of myself, and I don't joke about it.
Cinema, which demands suspension of disbelief, is an increasingly naive proposition.
I don't want to be a film-maker. I think painting is far more exciting and profound.
If you knew when you were going to die, wouldn't you make your life more worthwhile?
In Telugu, I have 'Bejawada Rowdilu,' a movie on the gang war culture in Vijayawada.
I have become a full-fledged producer. I spend a lot of time on pre-production work.
I think maybe making films is something innate you can't really teach to begin with.
Unfortunately, we don't seem to learn from history, do we? And you'd think we would.
I'm excited about what technology is offering storytellers and movie- and TV-makers.
I write all my scripts with Salman in mind. He understands me perfectly on the sets.
Some of the best ideas come sort of out of nowhere and when you're not expecting it.
What's the difference between Hollywood characters and my characters? Mine are real.
I'm surprised that Hollywood and networks have not been diverse as other industries.
For one thing, I don't think that anybody in any war thinks of themselves as a hero.
I feel there is no substitute for going out to the movies. There is nothing like it.
I like the smell of film. I just like knowing there's film going through the camera.
I was depressed about the roles that were on offer, so I had to make my own stories.
I always wanted to play a dapper gentleman, and I also always wanted to play my mum.
I'm in all my films, I can't help it. I just jam myself in there if there's a space.
Things you grew up watching, they just stay with you. They form what you like to do.
I'm not worried about young people seeing an opportunity and taking advantage of it.
North Korea has a very striking mythology there. It is influencing the whole nation.
Only the poets can hold the country together, and I wanted to hold Germany together.
My mother wouldn't even let me read DC Comics. I came from a very strict background.
If you want somebody to change so much, what is it that you love about that person ?
You can't just express yourself and it becomes a movie. You have to get beyond that.
You know, an hour and fifty-four minutes is too much for audiences. They get nervous.
Sometimes I do things that are not really the right way because I'm daring, in a way.
You can't expect the institution to learn, if it doesn't accept any sense of justice.
I love movies to death. I spent my entire youth in front of a TV watching old movies.
Frankly, there isn't anyone you couldn't learn to love once you've heard their story.
I think every human being in the world appreciates being encouraged and acknowledged.
Fitzgerald coined the phrase the 'Jazz Age,' and now we're living in the Hip-Hop Age.
Writing, for me, is an inherent part of understanding the material on a deeper level.
I've written immense love letters that are supposed to be opened over days at a time.
I would never say someone's else's film isn't 'a real film.' The quote is inaccurate.