I like restraint. Even with actors, restraint is something that I work on the most.

A work of art doesn't dare you to realize it. It germinates and gestates by itself.

Michael Moore, whether you like him or hate him, has done something very important.

I like the elitism of the art world. I think art for the people is a terrible idea.

Do I like how digital films look? Sometimes, but sometimes it looks flat, and ugly.

My parents came to San Francisco when they were probably 19 or 20, in the mid-'60s.

You'll never meet a nicer person, let alone a nicer actress, than Mary Steenburgen.

I think the media needs a little criticizing now, as it did in the '80s, don't you?

Honestly, I do spend most of my time between films trying to get the next one made.

I'm drawn to filmmaking that can transport me. Film can immerse you, put you there.

Maybe if we tell the truth about the past, we can tell the truth about the present.

Because I've been around a long time I get a bit of leeway that other people don't.

Don't take advice. You have to make up your own mind what to do from the beginning.

I've been thinking of doing a sci-fi thriller or a sci-fi noir, if that's possible.

I am very romantic about communism even still, but I know terrible things happened.

[Depp] has real ambitions, but he is deeply afraid of being considered pretentious.

Every one of us at Pixar is worried that we're going to be the one to make the dud.

India was going though a difficult time in 1997. We had revolving door governments.

The first element that I connected with was the emotion. Sorry, that's how it goes.

If Shaw and Einstein couldn't beat death, what chance have I got? Practically none.

Sir, I have seen your film and it is vulgar! Madame, my film rises below vulgarity.

If you're quiet, you're not living. You've got to be noisy and colorful and lively.

If people don't like the trailer, then blame it on the people who made the trailer.

I am unusual for a Frenchman - I have absolutely nothing against the United States.

French cinema audiences usually don't express anything. Certainly not satisfaction.

If we just keep sleeping together we'll just be one race and it won't be a problem.

There's nothing quite like the idea of failing spectacularly to excite a film maker

I think the big studios shaped and formed the artists that they put under contract.

Well, George W.Bush wanted to privatize Social Security. It's an ideological thing.

However long it stays in the river the tree-trunk will never turn into a crocodile.

I ask myself questions that journalists don't dare to ask or don't know how to ask.

You can play lacrosse all over the world provided you know where the goalposts are.

Fantasy is an 'F' word that hopefully the five second delay won't do anything with.

As a filmmaker, you want nothing more than to have people say, 'I love your movie.'

One of the things that's good for me is that I can go from one art form to another.

Yeah, we're working on Blade Runner 2 right now - that will happen sooner or later.

The most beautiful thing in Cambodia isn't the country - it's the Cambodian people.

Nothing more inelegant and ineffective than an art conceived in another art's form.

I've said that "2012" was my favorite ensemble cast, because it was so evenly good.

Sometimes in writing you have difficult periods and then other times it just flows.

I think it is very important that films make people look at what they've forgotten.

In high school, I got smacked and kicked around. Two bloody noses. It was horrible.

There's nothing wrong with crooks having lawyers. Everyone is entitled to a lawyer.

I always treated the science thing and the art thing as quite similar thematically.

When people sometimes misquote me, I don't know if they understand what I'm saying.

One of the most original and poetic works of cinema made anywhere in the seventies.

I came to terms with living mostly in a world of horror pictures or genre pictures.

I didn't have a normal academic career. I never studied cinema. I learned from life.

If you stretch tragedy, it will always become comedy. That's the comedy that I like.

Suspense is like a woman. The more left to the imagination, the more the excitement.

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