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I think that 'Halo' is a hard property because they don't need to make a film. They make far more money out of the games so why risk?
Basically, independent film doesn't exist anymore. It does if you have two or three stars in your film, but it's just very difficult.
Bloated budgets are ruining Hollywood - these pictures are squeezing all the other types of movies out of Hollywood. It's disastrous.
I'm a huge fan of Richard Curtis - there's real grief, real compassion in his films as well as cheekiness; it's a wonderful cocktail.
I generally edit quite heavily. In general, there aren't many scenes that are sitting where they sat in the script in the final form.
Every time I am directing, I question why in God's name I'm doing it again. It's like hitting yourself in the forehead with a hammer.
I like thrillers a lot. There's a lot of discipline connected to them. You can't be as freewheeling as you are with character pieces.
I don't have any room in my heart for that character [Kevin McCallister ]. I like the actor [Macaulay Culkin], but the character, no.
Jumpy is the most incredible animal of all time. The movie [Valley of Violence] is the tamest example of what that dog is capable of.
The pressure for an actress to look good and be skeletally thin is insane and unrealistic and it's a subject I've been fascinated by.
I try to do nothing. I drink rosemary when I have a lot of work to do. People take coffee, they take speed, whatever. I take rosemary.
My cinema is an extension of myself. A sort of life-testimony of my vital experience, with my few virtues and my numerous limitations.
Everybody gets a little dose of Shakespeare. He's the greatest playwright in the English language, but his politics are fairly square.
Long ago I had a professor who told me, 'Embrace the contradictions.' I think that is what is most interesting about people like Jobs.
Death is either an incredible ending to a story or, more often than not if you ask the right questions, it's the beginning of a story.
When you can look forward, and the road is clear ahead, and now you are going to create something - that's as happy as I'd want to be.
In the documentary the basic material has been created by God, whereas in the fiction film the director is a God; he must create life.
Sometimes we face resistance in Alberta and Canada because we already have other power sources, but this is a competitive alternative.
I had never thought of myself as a director and found out that I was not. I am a writer who was able to direct the films that I write.
You'll see a consistent, like the tea, the tea bags you saw there-you'll see a consistent-did you see the cafeteria? I mean the diner?
I feel a kinship with anyone who feels that their road, their life or who they really are is not good enough. I really relate to that.
Pornography is not in the hands of the child who discovers his sexuality by masturbating, but in the heart of the adult who slaps him.
The movie business is very much like that: people in authority making purely emotional decisions instead of interesting rational ones.
I love the opportunity to shoot digital because you can shoot so many takes, it's really malleable, it's a ton of fun, and it is easy.
I've been obsessed with this kind of visual storytelling for quite a while, and I try to create material that allows me to explore it.
As the director, you cannot control what people do after hours or in their trailers or on break. Why would you want to? But you can't.
The great coming to age of cable is really a beautiful thing. No commercials. It's like a small theater. It's a cinema on a TV screen.
I've been dreaming to do sci-fi since I was 10 years old, and I said 'no' to a lot of sequels - I couldn't say 'no' to 'Blade Runner.'
I envy certain writers, because there are writers who do go into a kind of different zone, where the writing isn't controlled anymore.
There aren't reasons why you like this song or this piece of music, or don't like it. It's just, it's either right or wrong, you know?
Most Hindi movies tend to dramatise events. They are very dialogue heavy. Characters don't speak like people normally do in real life.
I'm pretty demanding with myself and my work, and I always put a lot of pressure on myself. I try to do the best job I can every time.
You don't have to specialize - do everything that you love and then, at some time, the future will come together for you in some form.
Music is a big factor in helping the illusion of the film come to life. The same way music brings back different periods of our lives.
I made this movie for $40,000, which was this little black-and-white horror film called Dementia 13, which we made in about nine days.
The film of tomorrow appears to me as even more personal than an individual and autobiographical novel, like a confession, or a diary.
I think that wars will never stop, it's just that there are sides. You have to choose your side. And there are more progressive sides.
It's not that I dislike the police, but I would never go to the police for anything. It's just that I prefer not..., not calling them.
There are a lot of aspects of filmmaking that I love, but one of my favorites is in post, finding the right song for the right moment.
I love the creation of these things — I love the sculpting, I love the coloring. Half the joy is fabricating the world, the creatures.
I like actors that are good with pantomime and that can transmit a lot by their presence and attitude more than through their dialogue
I don't make movies for the same reason that a lot of people do. I make films because I need to see them exist in a very specific way.
I myself got married at a very young age. It has always intrigued me because marriage is very synthetic in an otherwise natural world.
I have always tried to make profitable films because people's offices shut down if films fail, and I will do everything to avoid that.
An actor can play two or three lines where he says one thing, but plays the opposite. That's the most important moving part of a film.
Every time you dive, you hope you'll see something new - some new species. Sometimes the ocean gives you a gift, sometimes it doesn't.
Nature's not our enemy, it's our sustenance; and we need it - and we need nature healthy for us to be healthy and to survive long term
When a French book becomes an international hit it is because of the author and not because of the language. The same goes for movies.
I'm always aiming for some magic in films if I can find a mystical quality either in a song or in a moment or a character's intention.
I only made one film with a score, and I hate it. I hate the score of that film. It's not coming from me. I had nothing to do with it.