Television is so cool. Television is proving that we can be sophisticated and that people will watch, if it's good.

Once I got out of architecture school I decided not to be an architect, I just started my own little design studio.

It's important to listen to those around you, and ultimately you have to decide which path you're going to go down.

I had been working with a community of survivors who had lost their relatives and were too scared to talk about it.

I want the Latino 'Do the Right Thing' to happen. I want filmmakers whose voices are not represented to get a shot.

The genre of horror is really just a way to manage much larger, much more terrifying realities in our daily worlds.

It seems to me the big weakness in most films is the writing. You can learn directing, but you can't learn writing.

If you want to provoke, you should provoke someone who is stronger than you, otherwise you are misusing your power.

In the earliest days of Pixar, when we were making 'Toy Story' and 'A Bug's Life,' we all came together as a group.

I was fascinated by the effects that could be achieved by editing. The cutting room became a magic workshop for me.

The process of shooting - of choosing shots - is intuitive for me, and I just feel my way towards what seems right.

I think we have the wrong notion of commercial and intellectual or artistic film. Because all films are commercial.

I hate exposition and superfluous dialogue. I hate when dialogue is trying to explain or patronize or finger-point.

I love people who have distinctive, unique personalities who are not in assembly lines and have something to offer.

At the moment, I'm focusing on these kind of "small" films - maybe after that, I will make bigger films in English.

People don't understand that my films is not about being scandalous - it's about being critical of our own society.

I don't think we have to be jerks to make good art either, but somehow we as a society have romanticised that idea.

I'm always stunned when I find out people like Roosevelt and Tolstoy weren't Jewish. How could I love them so much?

Pop culture is more and more about skulls and skeletons and zombies and vampires, and that's not just on Halloween.

It's the duty of art to ask questions, not to provide answers. And if you want a clearer answer, I'll have to pass.

People must not think that all bad in man which is unleashed, the moment you impose censorship disappears from man.

Life is short, so I'm knowing exactly where I'm putting my time. I don't want to do things that I don't have to do.

It occurred to me that everyone’s story matters to themselves, so the more I listened, the more she wanted to talk.

When I grew up, you'd see shorts before movies. I know it happened a lot more before I started going to the cinema.

I've changed my style constantly, so I'm not sure I have one defined style, except perhaps style of subject matter.

I'd rather get past the tyranny of now, where you get judged for something based on what's happening at the moment.

I don't like the actors to work together beforehand. I trust my intuition, and I like when the actors are the same.

The difficulty with telling stories about real people is you have to find a way of mixing yourself into the matter.

I am not going to do a film based on a bad scenario just to make a big Hollywood film or work with Hollywood stars.

You may think it's very presumptuous, but I really hope that my movies are going to turn people into better people.

Making a film, every film, is a big gamble, large or small. The more that you do it, the more you're aware of that.

I had the standard movie geek childhood, because for as long as I can remember, all I wanted to do was make movies.

The guy I've never worked with that is pissing me off is Tom Hanks. I want to work with Tom Hanks more than anyone.

I am a big Dragon fan. I've said it before- And I was fortunate enough to be born a Dragon in the Chinese Horocope.

I'm not from a theatre background, I'm wary of rehearsals. But what I do like is hanging out together, on location.

I read till I fall asleep. Daytime actually I feel guilty reading - I always feel I should be doing something else!

It is impossible to know what people will like. No market research, formulas will help, it's best to stop guessing.

I think they should make it a felony to criticise a film product. Particularly my film product. It's anti-American.

There's just a big, empty football field that's supposed to be filled with monsters that I haven't even thought of.

Don't give me any money, don't give me any people, but give freedom, and I'll give you a movie that looks gigantic.

The screenplay is a great document because it makes you have many discussions prior to actually being on the floor.

I try to address my audiences intelligently. The man in the street counts, but sometimes he forgets that he counts.

It's not just people in Hollywood: I'm sure everyone in the world thinks, 'What would be it like if I won an Oscar?

The regrets I have are strong enough that I wouldn't share 'em. I think that you can't live without suffering some.

I think that when you're making a story... that's based on somebody, the filmmaker has his duty to do his research.

There's no longer a monolithic evil empire somewhere, spreading a different philosophy of life. That doesn't exist.

Our greatness, our talent has never been the question. It's been a matter of grappling for control over what we do.

Audiences are harder to please if you're just giving them effects, but they're easy to please if it's a good story.

I made 'Saving Private Ryan' for my father. He's the one who filled my head with war stories when I was growing up.

The thing about art for me is that you can go on theorising your work forever, because it's open to interpretation.

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