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Any time you have questions when you're watching something, it's good - it makes you want to watch more.
Relationships in general make people a bit nervous. It's about trust. Do I trust you enough to go there?
Too many films today feel formulaic and familiar. I prefer it when the familiar is made to feel strange.
I think that experiencing through art is a wonderful way to expand the horizon and everything around it.
People have called me everything. Every word in the dictionary I've been called at one point or another.
You don't always have to have an e-book. You can have a real book. I'd like to see the old way maintain.
It's interesting that when economic times were the hardest, that's when many people embraced liberalism.
Action movies today are going to so fast, you can't say you're going to do everything faster and faster.
If your work requires you to travel, you will understand that there's no vacation destination like home.
I guess I probably make violent films partly because I can't express my anger in my real life very well.
That's one of the central challenges we face - how to stay true to events and compress the fundamentals.
The most important thing as a filmmaker, the hardest journey you'll have, is to find your point of view.
People see my films, and they cheer and they clap, and they are the kind of movies I like to see myself.
There is visual illiteracy with text-oriented films like bloody 'Harry Potter' and 'Lord of the Rings.'.
The Sistine Chapel is an extraordinary work of education - it lays out all the early books of the Bible.
Since Caesar, we know his historians are liars. The good writers get read. Bad history doesn't get read.
Russell Crowe as Capt. Jack Aubrey in Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World, .. most unlikely.
My mom took me to see Carnal Knowledge and The Wild Bunch and all these kind of movies when I was a kid.
I don't think there's anything to be afraid of. Failure brings great rewards - in the life of an artist.
In 'Sanju,' there are too many colours. Some other filmmaker could have taken a dark side to that story.
I did some film reviews for small papers in Finland and things like that to be able to keep living here.
And I maintain good relationships with all the studios so I've never been bullied into any cut, frankly.
Harrison is very much part of this one, but really it’s about finding him; he comes in in the third act.
I'm fundamentally a positive person. Otherwise, I wouldn't be doing some of the insane movies that I do.
I don't like shows, I don't like to put on a show, I just really want to work intimately with my actors.
It's been a journey of great stress and awakening. I have given my blood sweat and tears to 'Padmavati.'
It's difficult to find new solicitations, new expressions. But this is talking about filmmaking. Cinema.
I'm a bit of a hacker fanatic and know a fair bit about that industry and cyber crime and cyber warfare.
I tend to favour films that have multiple plot and story lines, multiple characters and ensemble pieces.
I have a choice - I can either watch all the dailies, or I can follow the social media. I can't do both.
We talked about Tootsie, the idea in Tootsie is that a man becomes a better man for having been a woman.
It's very clearly stated in the film: You make your own choices, and what you're always fighting is ego.
The biggest edge I live on is directing. That's the most scary, dangerous thing you can do in your life.
However, there are a couple of volcanoes very close nearby, like Vesuvius in Italy right next to Naples.
Of course the entire planet Earth consists of magma under us, and only the very inner-core is different.
I don't see poetry as something that has to do with too much emotion anyway. It has to do with language.
I like to address the fears of my culture. I believe it`s good to face the enemy, for the enemy is fear.
Anyway, I just haven't been able to find any humanity in any Republican candidate ever in my entire life.
The creative process is mysterious; a conversation, a ride in the car, or a melody can trigger something.
When I have been exposed to so many films that are so bad, my soul gets crushed. I just feel intoxicated.
I'm less interested in reality. I'm more interested in perception, the truth of the universe that we see.
Sorry, but there is no pleasure in finding new ways of saying the same stuff about projects which tanked.
In the case of the Catholic Church, it's hard to understand how they so willfully sacrifice the children.
I'm attracted to short screenplays. Nobody really wants a film to be over two hours, or at least I don't.
Actors have either got to play something that's close to them, or something that's the complete opposite.
Well, I have no problem with 3-D but I don't think it's necessarily a blanket requirement for every film.
I love some films with very silent characters, people who don't speak, but I wouldn't be able to do that.
It's very difficult to talk about religion in Iran because religion has gotten so mixed up with politics.
Having grown up far, far away in a small country town in Australia, I was only slightly aware of hip-hop.
I mean, '8½' to me is such a great dissertation on the whole, you know, act of filmmaking and creativity.