I am proudly a liberal. I am also patriotic, reasonable, pro-American, and stand for family values.

Who would ever have thought that Robert Ludlum would have become the father of modern action cinema?

Television news was expanding to an hour, and producers did not know how to fill the space and time.

Really, it's not people who don't understand us who drive us nuts—it's when those who shouldn't, do.

Most good essays are conversations with yourself - not just your decided thoughts but your dilemmas.

If you plan to miss this movie, better miss it quickly; I doubt if it'll be around to miss for long.

The music is not used repetitiously to create film atmosphere. It is, in fact, the leading character.

Can you sue yourself for plagiarism? If so, then 'Old School' has presented Ivan Reitman with a case.

This is as brain-dead as a movie can be and it assumes the audience will have the I.Q. of a rutabaga.

Television as we have it isn't an art form - it's a piece of furniture that is good for a few things.

It is human nature to look away from illness. We don't enjoy a reminder of our own fragile mortality.

It would be hard to make a movie worse than the first 'Ocean's Eleven,' the 1960 Lewis Milestone film.

It's true that a smile can take years off a person - not that such a thing matters in Yoko Ono's case.

Some films could only have been cast in one way: Screen tests were given and the losers got the parts.

The worst thing about movie-making is that it's like life: nobody can go back to correct the mistakes.

A corner is important. It provides privacy and an anchor and lets you exist independently of the room.

Photography can strip from the world that spiritual dust and grime with which our eyes have covered it.

Economy, speed, nervousness, and desperation produce the final wasteful, semi-incoherent movies we see.

Of all the arts, movies are the most powerful aid to empathy, and good ones make us into better people.

What happens in a fantasy can be more involving than what happens in life, and thank goodness for that.

I find that when I am actually writing, I enter a zone of concentration too small to admit my troubles.

Skateboarding is forever, and things like college and girls only ruin an endlessly savored adolescence.

Inarritu's own nomination for Best Director for 'Babel' was the first such honor for a Mexican director.

Troy is based on the epic poem The Iliad by Homer , according to the credits. Homer's estate should sue.

There must be a better reason to have a baby than to provide a plot point in a rom-com. Don't you think?

It's the same the world over. A Hollywood production comes to town, and the locals all turn movie crazy.

If you can't believe a little in what you see on the screen, it's not worth wasting your time on cinema.

If there is any test that can be applied to movies, it's that the good ones never make you feel virtuous.

We are put on this planet only once, and to limit ourselves to the familiar is a crime against our minds.

And the sexes eyeing each other uneasily, for nothing is easier for a teenager to imagine than rejection.

None of us could believe what Trump was doing - because no one had ever seen anyone do it that way before.

There isn’t anything good to say about Kick-Ass 2, the even more witless, mirthless follow-up to Kick-Ass.

Doing research on the Web is like using a library assembled piecemeal by pack rats and vandalized nightly.

No movie featuring either Harry Dean Stanton or M. Emmet Walsh in a supporting role can be altogether bad.

There are few lonelier sights than a good comedian being funny in a movie that doesn't know what funny is.

A critic often has to play the role of coroner, dissecting a work to find out why it died (or never lived).

Unless you're doing a feature piece, which is going to be longer, and you have more time to get into stuff.

I lost faith in the Oscars the first year I was a movie critic - the year that Bonnie and Clyde didn't win.

If Hollywood stars speak out, so do all sorts of other people. Now Hollywood stars can get a better hearing.

Here's a notion: Peace in the Middle East would come about more easily if the region were governed by women.

I am grateful for the gifts of intelligence, love, wonder and laughter. You can't say it wasn't interesting.

'Certifiably Jonathan' contrives crises for its subject - a bid to get his paintings into MOMA, among others.

I love the Museum of the Moving Image, and I like the idea of bringing artifacts of the cinema into a museum.

The thing that breaks my heart about [Dennis Wilson] is that he was very naïve from the beginning to the end.

Language: the one tool that enables us to grasp hold of our lives and transcend our fate by understanding it.

One of the surest signs of the Philistine is his reverence for the superior tastes of those who put him down.

Someone once said the fundamental reason we get married is because have a universal human need for a witness.

It has been said that the reason we establish relationships is to assure ourselves of a witness to our lives.

Nothing in Death Hunt makes a great deal of sense, though the scenery is rugged and the snowscapes beautiful.

Bill Maher does something amazing in Religulous. He makes Michael Moore look incredibly likable in comparison.

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