It's always great to have another chance at something.

I'm rather uncomfortable with celebrity, to be honest.

Even the slightest deja vu are supernatural incidents.

I was a very outgoing, gregarious, full-of-energy kid.

I don't have a connection to the fashion world at all.

Media truly has the power to create and shift culture.

I just lip gloss! It doesn't matter if it's $2 or $30.

Interlude with sunshine. Hello monday mein lazy freund.

I'm not the neatest person in the kitchen by any means.

I'm a tomboy naturally; I grew up hanging up with boys.

I want to be part of great cinema. That is my only aim.

I'm always on Instagram! I'm like an Instagram stalker.

What I wasn't used to was being in front of the camera.

I'd rather be a silly old fool than a lonely old woman.

My face has always been my fortune anyway, not my body.

I don't think actresses' lives in general are very good

Celebrities choose fame. Royals have it thrust on them.

But we did the Pink Panther not in Hollywood, in Italy.

I like to think I'm quite brave. I stand up for myself.

I love having my ghosts, and I love having my memories.

Memories are simply moments that refuse to be ordinary.

After all, a job isn't worth doing unless you enjoy it.

What we look for in the school is unrealized potential.

God's love doesn't leave out Jews or Muslims or anyone.

What we do to ourselves to look a certain way is crazy.

Age does not bring you wisdom, age brings you wrinkles.

I wouldn't mind being dead - it would be something new.

I'm not a fan of capris. They actually shorten my legs.

Shadows cannot see themselves in the mirror of the sun.

With aging, you earn the right to be loyal to yourself.

The sleeplessness is proven; it eradicates your memory.

If I have something I like to forget, then I forget it.

I am extremely shy. I am not happy in crowds of people.

I am Chinese - it doesn't matter what other people say.

Emancipation of women has made them lose their mystery.

I don't like yelling and fighting, and I can't quarrel.

To play Cleopatra on Broadway would just be incredible.

Music is a very big part of my preparation as an actor.

I love to dress up and create a narrative with my look.

My perfume, Manifesto, was based on the scent of basil.

I'm in an agreeable state: busy, enthusiastic, curious.

To be honest, I really don't like being the sex object.

He taught me how to fly on my own and learn the tricks.

We get a lot of overseas people wanting to order cakes.

I'm not a natural redhead, but I enjoy having red hair.

I wasn't born an actress, you know. Events made me one.

I always like Madonna; any Madonna song is good for me.

It proved to me, though, that comedy is so much harder.

You know, you really do choose your existence in a way.

It's very exciting to work with people who inspire you.

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