I could live in a sari; I was born to wear a sari.

Thumbs up to the buxom woman. Size zero is boring!

People who are very beautiful make their own laws.

It's much easier to make people cry than to laugh.

If you are uncomfortable you are always adjusting.

We actors have lives beyond the film industry too!

I'm addicted to tattoos. I can't stop; I love them.

I think it's very easy to get discouraged early on.

If my body needs something, I need to give it that.

When I was growing up I actually was into Bon Jovi!

[On Marilyn Monroe:] Her body has gone to her head.

I don't have an objective overview of Black Sunday.

You never really want anything you can easily have.

When I'm playing a character, I don't wear perfume.

I'm a thousand different people. Every one is real.

Don't get me wrong: I would not say no to an Oscar!

My first show was 'The King and I' when I was five.

What I am doing is not acting. I am playing myself.

I guess I've kind of had an attitude my whole life.

I'm a grown-up now, and I value the training I had.

History has done a great disservice to Anne Boleyn.

What's incredible is that I'm 75 and still working.

My name is Constance Marie, and I am anti-princess.

I think the sexiest thing is a hat. It's very sexy!

If it doesn't have sex scenes in it, I won't do it.

Love leaves a memory nobody can take away from you.

We can grow gracefully, or gorgeously. I pick both.

Robert E. Lee Prewitt. Isn't that a silly old name.

Is it easy to avoid paparazzi? It is, it really is.

You don't get the good roles when you're beautiful.

I love the creative end of acting. But I hate fame.

I just like short hair on women; I think it's cool.

It's a surprisingly sacrificial job being an actor.

Well, my favorite color I guess I would say yellow.

I like hard rock, and classic rock, and even metal.

I can't say why some memories float and other sink.

I never wear fur, and I am a spokesperson for PETA.

Don't worry about things that haven't happened yet.

It's fun to play somebody who's kind of struggling.

After you play a part, you think of it as your own.

I haven't done improv since I was in middle school.

Nobody knows what the future is except for wizards.

I think most people know inherently that good wins.

I try to put myself into whatever character I play.

Today I trust my instinct, I trust myself. Finally.

When you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas.

The elevator to success is broken, take the stairs.

Drama is not hard for me. It just didn't seem hard.

I just don't plan things. I live a month at a time.

I'm not great at judging a career. Or planning one.

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