Two things in India are religion - one is cricket, and one is movies - these are two things.

Production is a lot of work. Nobody sent me that memo when they came to me to do television.

I love broad comedy. It has its place. If I were to do that, I'd love to do physical comedy.

I went to public - I graduated from publics - Westchester High. I'm a product of LA Unified.

And there's also not enough films that are more of a imitation of what real life looks like.

If things aren't going so well, I try to stay positive and not give in to negative thoughts.

Look, it's to the point where kids are getting Botox. It's insane. We're not allowed to age.

This hetero - normative behavior and herd mentality is dangerous. It's okay to be different.

The fear is that talking back, that engaging at all, is to open the door for god-knows-what.

I don't like the term 'colour-blind' - because I don't want people to be blind to my colour.

Life is tough; and if you have the ability to laugh at it, you have the ability to enjoy it.

Producing is hell, writing is frustrating, acting is really satisfying, directing is heaven.

How I would describe my characters is absolutely different from how I would describe myself.

I thought The Visitation was good fun. We did some of that filming at Ealing on the big set.

I enjoyed working with Peter, I was very pleased when I heard he was going to be the Doctor.

It takes a lot of courage as an actor to take time off for family. But family is everything.

You know what I would really like to do? I'd like to do a half hour drama with comedy in it.

Some people think I look like a sweet potato, I consider myself a spud with a heart of gold.

I think every single imperfection adds to your beauty. I'd rather be imperfect than perfect.

Not being secure affects us as humans. It throws us off our balance. It puts us in disarray.

Relationships are temporary, friendships are forever! Unless they sleep with your boyfriend!

I don't think that the status of a show, big or small, should affect a person's performance.

I really like The Vamps. I'm friends with a couple of the guys from the band, so that's fun.

A gun saved my life. That's why I won't let my Second Amendment right be taken away from me.

The crew and cast at Castle becomes more of a reality than the people I've known all my life

I believe change is the only constant in life, and there is a place and time for everything.

If you're someone that people look up to, they're gonna always find a way to bring you down.

I try to not read about myself. I think it's easier to have it out of sight and out of mind.

Come on, planning a wedding, let's be honest, it's not fun. It's not fun being in a wedding.

On my keychain, I have a citrine crystal in a tiny cage. It's for protection and good vibes.

Even though I've done Hollywood films, I still don't think of myself as a Hollywood actress.

Bullies generally were bullied and are hurting inside much more than you could ever imagine.

I'm a total hip-hop geek. That's my favorite kind of music to listen to while getting ready.

I think in most couples or partnerships, there's a constant struggle for power and dominance.

If you can make someone believe that you believe in the idea then I think that's worth a lot.

I probably revisit in my work the moment at which I realised that dreams couldn't be reality.

I actually have no aspirations to ride a motorcycle ever again. Its exhausting. You get cold.

I'm a big thinker, and sometimes I think too much, and my brain can get in the way of myself.

I just have to work on the apologetic side because I'm Canadian. We apologize for everything.

I will admit, it's so intoxicating working with Steve Carrell. Creatively and professionally.

When I was pregnant with my first child, I was 35 years old, and I was working in a pet shop.

As an actor, you want to do your best but not overshine the film. No actor is above the film.

Pain doesn't have a face and pain doesn't have a certain way of adjusting. Pain is universal.

Sometimes we had to improvise. I hate to improvise because I felt like I couldn't find words.

In film or TV work, you can have this amazingly dramatic pause, and they'll just edit it out.

Directing 'When You Find Me' was one of the most creatively rewarding endeavors of my career.

I... had guys on the set who didn't like me... they weren't interested in the cold character.

The movies I usually do are maybe three or four weeks because they don't have a lot of money.

Focus group research has created a composite No-Man who resembles no-one anyone has ever met.

I can do contortionist things; it's really weird. But I can freak people out, which is great!

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