Tim and Fritz Lang I loved working with. Not Hitchcock so much. There was no communication.

I am just discovering my fashion side. I have never felt anchored when it comes to fashion.

Well what I will tell you is for this movie, I got into probably the best shape of my life.

If we had a party every time someone died on 'The Following,' we'd never get anything done.

You can fake your age or mask it, but the passion that moves the characters has to be real.

I don't bother about how people feel about me. What matters to me is how I feel about them.

Pulling away from your parents, that's the natural thing to do; that's how life progresses.

Florida surfers learn how to be great on mediocre waves. It trains you, gives you endurance.

For the most part, I think that people enjoy seeing a movie where they can just have fun in.

When you expect good, it's available constantly, and it makes itself a reality in your life.

After 9/11 and the impending actors' strike of a few years ago, roles dried up for everyone.

A romantic date for me is sitting in pajamas and being with a guy with whom I can be myself.

Life is not just one thing; life is a lot of things, and I think I've been lucky to do that.

There's something really simple and idyllic about living in a house very close to the water.

I have never planned things in life. I believe in living life or doing things to the moment.

I did 'Bridge to Terabithia' when I was around 6 years old, but for my first movie, I was 5.

All my stuff is men's fashion. It's always oversized shirts, boyfriend blazers and trousers.

When I put something on, and I stand up much straighter, that's when I love to wear clothes.

In theater, the scenes I like the most are the ones where you are there and you cannot talk.

I've seen 'Pride and Prejudice' about 4,000 times. I'm not joking: I know every single line.

And also, Sergio Leone was considered in Italy a director of category B, not a big director.

I started on the stage with my mom in Denmark doing political revues in a small, small town.

I'd love to be able to multiply because then I could be in lots of different places at once.

If I ever stop working, I might have a problem. But I never seem to be able to stop working.

So many things that happen to you are so dreadful, it's important to have a sense of humour.

Naina is one of the most special films & special characters that I've played in recent times

The exhausting effort to control time by altering the effects of age doesn't bring happiness

There's also a certain segment that doesn't know what "Annie Hall" is. Seriously, it's true.

Sometimes I think I might insult people by being openly flirtatious, then snatching it back.

It's funny to be playing a mom. I mean, I'm not a mom in real life. I don't even have a dog.

I was amazed at the rosy glow that can be around one when you're in a film that's done well.

I give everything I have to give on the screen. I feel I don't owe the public anything else.

I actually write as a passion, as something I actually am more passionate about than acting.

If I could play any superhero, I'd probably want to play Wonder Woman. She's pretty awesome.

I choose the places I go to carefully and wisely. I'll rarely go to a shopping mall anymore.

I'm a mother, so I instantly identified with what that would be like and the horror of that.

'Crystal Fairy' was one of the first movies I did after I recommitted to the idea of acting.

I don't know how people do this waxing thing. Now I just have all these bumpy ingrown hairs.

All of us have a lot of physical tics that we don't realize that we're doing subconsciously.

Paddy Chayefksy was writing and it was a time where everybody was happy to be there [on TV].

For years it never occurred to me to question the judgment of those in charge at the studio.

You can only do so many serious dramas in a row before you want to break. You want a change.

I have a hard time watching people getting punched on screen; I have to close my eyes a lot.

Is there anything better than to be longing for something, when you know it is within reach?

My talents fall within definite limitations. I am not as versatile an actress as some think.

With my busy schedule, my friends consist of my immediate family and the people I work with!

My husband and Charlie Sheen played Little League together. Theyve always been best friends.

I'm always concerned that I'm insulting the elder statesmen on the set by my crass behavior.

You have your private life and you have your public life, and just don’t let them interfere.

I used to have to think about awful things to get myself emotionally connected to something.

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