Here lies Mickey Mantle. Banned from baseball.

I love playing tennis. I am an exercise freak.

I think most people act in their self-interest.

There's always going to be a place for YouTube.

You're only as good as your dumbest competitor.

People vote with their hearts, not their heads.

Where we can compete on merit, we do very well.

Markets shouldn't be moving in a straight line.

Great leaders don't play by the existing rules.

You increasingly are seeing more Macs than PCs.

Facebook done a great job of monetizing social.

I love mechanical things, older cars especially.

Me, personally, I don't upload video to YouTube.

I regard food as fuel. I am not a brunch person.

Discipline gives you the freedom to be creative.

Major organizational changes create uncertainty.

You can't play it safe if you want to get ahead.

Irrational lenders come and go - mostly they go!

I'm the chocolate chip cookie king of the world.

The world we want is an enormous responsibility.

It's really cool having the news in your pocket.

Make every decision as if you owned the company.

Video will drive the share-shift in advertising.

I think we are a product of all our experiences.

If you don't jump on the new, you don't survive.

I won't talk of bad luck. I don't believe in it.

I throw on a dress and heels and I'm good to go.

Bankruptcy as a solution in kind of un-American.

When the wine is ready, that's when we'll drink.

Bolthouse is a great strategic fit with Campbell.

You can fire your revenues by firing your people.

We brought Safeco back from the brink of failure.

I don't have a problem crying when I need to cry.

PR is premised on truth, trust, and transparency.

The hardest job is getting personalities to mesh.

Genius may be born, but innovation can be learned.

Yahoo is a company that is very strong in content.

We don't have major limits in the transfer market.

You embrace disruption. I think it's a good thing.

How you manage change can make all the difference.

Authority is 20% given and 80% take it!

I would say that my parents were supportive of me.

Due to Multi-Tenancy our gross margin by over 70%.

This is America. You're allowed to have your views.

Gamification is as important as social and mobile.*

The fact that you can crawl the web is a commodity.

The U.S. is becoming an industrial heartland again.

Cloud represents the maturation of the IT industry.

My daughters will succeed me as owners of the firm.

Culture change means we will do things differently.

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