The secret of success lies never in the amount of money, but in the relation of income to outgo.

Women, more than all, are the element and kingdom of illusion. Being fascinated, they fascinate.

The sun illuminates only the eye of the man, but shines into the eye and the heart of the child.

But a compassion for that which is not and cannot be useful and lovely, is degrading and futile.

There are no days in life so memorable as those which vibrate to some stroke of the imagination.

Every promise of the soul has innumerable fulfillments; each of its joys ripens into a new want.

I see not any road of perfect peace which a man can walk but after the counsel of his own bosom.

Perhaps love is only the highest symbol of friendship, as all other things seem symbols of love.

'Tis a superstition to insist on a special diet. All is made at last of the same chemical atoms.

Emancipation is the demand of civilization. That is a principle; everything else is an intrigue.

Great men do not content us. It is their solitude, not their force, that makes them conspicuous.

Man is a stream whose source is hidden. Our being is descending into us from we know not whence.

By the irresistible maturing of the general mind, the Christian traditions have lost their hold.

Instead of making Christianity a vehicle of truth, you make truth only a horse for Christianity.

I have to admit that I only read War and Peace when I was 40. But I knew the basics before then.

Homer's work hits again and again on the topos of the inexpressible. People will always do that.

History is cyclical, and it would be foolhardy to assume that the culture wars will never return.

In that sense, when a Bush or a Gore, or whomever, goes on David Letterman, that's the news, too.

The love of nature is a different thing from the love of science, though the two may go together.

In the common run of mankind, for one that is wise and good you find ten of a contrary character.

Pedantry in learning is like hypocrisy inn religion--a form of knowledge without the power of it.

With regard to donations always expect the most from prudent people, who keep their own accounts.

If your writing collides with the conventional wisdom, there's going to be some kind of friction.

Devout Anatolian masses rising from poverty have transformed Turkey politically and economically.

We may be joined these days more by the questions we have in common than by the answers we share.

Beauty is an outward gift, which is seldom despised, except by those to whom it has been refused.

The reason why all men honor love is because it looks up, and not down; aspires and not despairs.

In order for one to learn the important lessons of life, one must first overcome a fear each day.

The secret of the world is the tie between person and event. Person makes event and event person.

The search after the great men is the dream of youth, and the most serious occupation of manhood.

Every materialist will be an idealist; but an idealist can never go backward to be a materialist.

With thought, with the ideal, is immortal hilarity, the rose of joy. Round it all the muses sing.

There is no architect Can build as the Muse can; She is skilful to select Materials for her plan.

The Gothic cathedral is a blossoming in stone subdued by the insatiable demand of harmony in man.

Every experiment, by multitudes or by individuals, that has a sensual and selfish aim, will fail.

Not for nothing one face, one character, one fact makes much impression on him, and another none.

To have played and laughed with enthusiasm, and sung with exultation - this to to have succeeded.

The lover of nature is he whose inward and outward senses are still truly adjusted to each other.

As many languages as he has, as many friends, as many arts and trades, so many times is he a man.

As every man is hunted by his own daemon, vexed by his own disease, this checks all his activity.

It seems as if the day was not wholly profane in which we have given heed to some natural object.

Every great man is a unique. The Scipionism of Scipio is precisely that part he could not borrow.

English history is aristocracy with the doors open. Who has courage and faculty, let him come in.

The rain has spoiled the farmer's day; Shall sorrow put my books away? Thereby are two days lost.

The household is a school of power. There, within the door, learn the tragi-comedy of human life.

Railroad iron is a magician's rod, in its power to evoke the sleeping energies of land and water.

Whenever the pulpit is usurped by a formalist, then is the worshipper defrauded and disconsolate.

What is addressed to us for contemplation does not threaten us, but makes us intellectual beings.

The quality of the thought differences the Egyptian and the Roman, the Austrian and the American.

One must be an inventor to read well. There is then creative reading as well as creative writing.

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