Quotes of All Topics . Occasions . Authors
I had more money than I could spend in million lifetimes.
I don’t want to be happy. I just want to change the world.
If Perl is the solution, you're solving the wrong problem.
With diligence it is possible to make anything run slowly.
Assume nobody else has any idea what they're doing, either.
Programmers are as emotional and irrational as normal people
More than one of my girlfriends tried to kill me a few times.
Our mobile phones have become the greatest spy on the planet.
There is no hope for my life if I am ever returned to Belize.
There's all sorts of stuff people want to publish anonymously.
Once we were Programmers. Maybe our last best hope is a movie.
We are losing privacy at an alarming rate - we have none left.
Computer programs are the most complex things that humans make.
The very word "exist" derives from "to step forth, to stand out".
No one cares what operating system you run as long as it stays up.
JavaScript is the world's most misunderstood programming language.
We'll turn down crappy games that are submitted to the Epic Store.
What is simplicity? Simplicity is the shortest path to a solution.
When you're a connoiseur you look for interesting rather than good.
If you want to know why Lisp doesn't win around you, find a mirror.
Steve Jobs was a friend and mentor whom I miss more than I can say.
The problem of viruses is temporary and will be solved in two years.
Donald Trump is proud of the fact that he's never written an e-mail.
Only those blinded by greed would refuse to let a friend make a copy.
I can come off as pretty arrogant, but it's because I know I'm right.
An angry people cannot create anything that is not imbued with anger.
Every application designed for 2D interfaces will be obsoleted by AR.
We see that as 'Fortnite' evolves, it's evolving beyond being a game.
Computers will be able to do all the mundane tasks in our daily lives.
Those who write software only for pay should go hurt some other field.
Now everyone has a license to speak, it’s a question of who gets heard.
Software as an asset isn't stable over time; it needs to be maintained.
People who use Class will never understand all the crap they are doing.
Hackers rarely have full knowledge of the technology stack of a target.
There's not a single flashlight app that's not spying on you right now.
I have the best habits in the world, and I cannot keep my phone secure.
Why have a locked wiki when you can instead just post static Web pages?
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. I regret that this isn't fatal.
Unreal has to be an engine for everyone who wants to build a major game.
Microsoft is not the answer. Microsoft is the question. NO is the answer.
Epic Games and Microsoft have been close partners for more than 25 years.
If the majority holds some thing of value, you can be certain it has none.
Is Snowden a good man or a bad man? I have no clue and even less interest.
Don't use hands to do things that can be efficiently done by the computer.
The trick is to fix the problem you have, rather than the problem you want.
I've accomplished more working on my own than I ever did as part of a team.
The good thing about reinventing the wheel is that you can get a round one.
I was an altar boy. I could probably quote the Bible from beginning to end.
I am always interested in helping and growing new tech start-ups and ideas.
Don't ever get wrapped up with what other people think you should look like.