It's a monstrous idea to put people in prison and keep them there.

A major golf tournament is 40,000 sadists watching 144 masochists.

Dear Algebra, stop asking us to find your X, she’s not coming back

Know yourself fearlessly (even quietly) for all the things you are.

You are the hybrids of golden worlds and ages splendidly conceived.

Passion presented with a greater challenge achieves a greater goal.

Hope drowned in shadows emerges fiercely splendid–– boldly angelic.

No person who can read is ever successful at cleaning out an attic.

guilt is a pollutant and we don't need any more of it in the world.

It was a terrible idea by the Democrats to support Hillary Clinton.

Where religion is trivialized, one is unlikely to find persecution.

Increasing public safety almost always means restricting liberties.

It's a fact that every minute you hold a child, it triples in mass.

The pursuit of perfection prevents achievement of the satisfactory.

The best exercise in the world is to bend down and help someone up.

Chili is much improved by having had a day to contemplate its fate.

Go watch (Minority Report) if you can bear Tom Cruise for that long

For the record, my mother is an astonishing and loving grandmother.

John McCain has become the de facto running mate of George W. Bush.

No one really has a bad life. Not even a bad day. Just bad moments.

Eating something fresh out of the oven is like a hug you can taste.

We are all on a journey of faith, and we have to polish that faith.

Pick your enemies carefully or you'll never make it in Los Angeles.

To make a war, sometimes it is necessary that everyone guess wrong.

My dog's name is Tucker, and his DNA is unidentifiable and suspect.

The body has many needs. But the soul has only one: to be with God.

Being both soft and strong is a combination very few have mastered.

Where humanity sowed faith, hope, and unity, joy’s garden blossomed.

Many peo­ple know the price of every­thing and the value of noth­ing

Nothing is more responsible for the good old days than a bad memory.

Anything that you want to write about you can write about in sports.

I believe if two people want to commit to each other, God bless 'em.

The issue isn't just jobs. Even slaves had jobs. The issue is wages.

Republicans are so empty-headed, they wouldn't make a good landfill.

Make a faster machine and people will flock to inefficient software.

A child who thinks he can't do anything on his own eventually can't.

The tough thing about a campaign being over is, you lose your enemy.

Donald Trump is to traditional values what I am to marathon running.

Zingers should glow with intelligence as well as drip with contempt.

I spend most of my life feeling like I've been shot out of a cannon.

If Communism goes, I've still got the U.S. House of Representatives.

Quarterbacks have to ask the crowd to quiet down. Pitchers never do.

For me, the most indispensable tool for wrapping presents is a wife.

A lot of enslaved people actually made money, but they had no power.

Look forward to going back Home. But make sure you're furnishing it.

True lovers earn their genius in schools of blood, prophecy and dust.

Such are these places where lovers of bliss behold the angel of peace

Cruel words erode the self-esteem like the ocean eats away the shore.

All marriages are happy, it's living together afterward that's tough.

Church is not a museum for Saints, but rather a hospital for sinners.

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