A cookbook is not like being an author. It's writing down recipes; it's not writing.

In Spain, you can go into any tapas bar, and you'll see anchovies all over the menu.

If you are not extreme, then people will take shortcuts because they don't fear you.

It's extraordinary these obsessions. You conquer one but then you move onto another.

When you walk down the street of Kabul your values for life changes, they do change.

People are bored of these 12-course gastronomic menus. They want affordable glamour.

If you really want to know what motivated me as a young man, it was a fear of death.

I think, in life, the more you force things, they break. You just let things happen.

I know I can cook, but the place where I cook... it's a mess! I'm very disorganized.

I love the Chinese words for greeting: not strictly 'Hello' but 'Have you eaten yet?

Prep things in advance so that you don't have to cook everything at the last moment.

Good asparagus needs minimal treatment and is best eaten with few other ingredients.

TV chefs are not responsible for people's consumption of fibre; this is not our job.

People's choice to become vegan, from people I've spoken to, seems motivated by fear.

Keeping your space clean is as much a part of the end result as the dish being tasty.

Cooking and gardening involve so many disciplines: math, chemistry, reading, history.

Cooking a dish is fine; cooking it under pressure is a completely different ballgame.

The secret is to make sure the business is running to perfection, with or without me.

The dinner hour is a sacred, happy time when everyone should be together and relaxed.

The East Village is where I cut my teeth as a kid. I ran around here on a skateboard.

Mothers and grandmothers: these are the people that I admire most, not so much chefs.

I think health is the outcome of finding a balance and some satisfaction at the table.

I adore my mother, and I am probably a chef because of my mother. She was adventurous.

Good food does lead to sex. As it should. And in a perfect world, good music does too.

You know, from age 17 on, my paycheck was coming from cooking and working in kitchens.

I'm not looking to freak people out - eating rodents or bugs. I don't do that anymore.

If people give me a year or two of their best effort, then I am their friend for life.

When I get up early, I appreciate the quiet time to enjoy a coffee or water my plants.

Be your own biggest critic. Don't let someone else beat you to constructive criticism.

I need healthy options around, or else if I get hungry, I'll go straight for a cookie.

I appreciate the constant evolution in refining food, but not in making food gimmicky.

I wanted to disprove the notion that you couldn't open a great restaurant in a casino.

People are trying to figure out what American food is; it's certainly an amalgamation.

I spent a lot of time on farms when I was young. My uncle and my dad owned a big farm.

I don't like gourmet cooking or 'this' cooking or 'that' cooking. I like good cooking.

In England, you're allowed to have an opinion - as long as it comes out of your mouth.

Once you establish a diet, you can make exceptions once you're able to balance it out.

The most difficult thing is to make sure the standards remain high in each restaurant.

Food is national security. Food is craft. Food is everything, when you think about it.

Why do you think millennials are so into food? It's the way they relate to each other.

I practice self-control and staying active. Running round the kitchen keeps me moving.

I just want my children to be happy. And to be good people. Proper people. That's all.

Childhood nutrition and healthy eating is a cause that is extremely close to my heart.

I only have the restaurant. If I do other things, it's only to do with the restaurant.

Pomegranate molasses is ubiquitous in Arabic cooking: it's sweet, sour and adds depth.

There are so many things that you think will look cool but then you look like an idiot!

My food, I think, is big. It's aggressive, it's aggressively seasoned, and it's hearty.

People everywhere have been very, very good to me, whether I'm with or without cameras.

One must know combinations, one must have a true knowledge of food to be in the moment.

People complain that cities don't have fresh, sustainable food, but it's just not true.

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