When you delight the weird, the overlooked and the outliers, they are significantly more likely to talk about you and recommend you.

Life is incredibly short, yet we're always told that change takes time. For a race of mortals, dicking around just isn't acceptable.

I live in my own bubble. I was looking for an audience that wouldn't necessarily be looking for escapism when they came to my comics.

Schroeder, do you think I'm beautiful?" "I think you're the most beautiful girl the world has ever known..." "You hate me, don't you?

I don't think I would've ever dared dreaming of becoming a professional cartoonist. I wouldn't set myself up for that disappointment.

People don't remember you for all of the good things you do. They remember the time you blew a giant green snot bubble out your nose.

Cats are anthropomorphised in art because they are so laid back that you automatically attribute human thoughts and feelings to them.

I am passionate about informing the world about our ocean - its complexity and beauty, its value to us, and the perils that it faces.

I've often thought I would like to try to write a conventional novel, but I just don't know enough about the real world to write one.

When authorities warn you of the sinfulness of sex, there is an important lesson to be learned. Do not have sex with the authorities.

In 'Futurama,' the skin color is no longer yellow. They have actually evolved to cartoon skin tone. But they still have four fingers.

The betrayal of people's good will, good trust that things are being done for the best and they actually ARE being done for the best.

Im pretty adept with computers and Photoshop for my blog, and I found my style with a conversational voice and an image-ready column.

You do have to put in a lot time to get good at anything and than includes cartoons. So I think it's true of art and everything else.

You must realize that what you are cannot be seen in a mirror. What you see in a mirror is but a dim reflection of your true reality.

We can't rely on others to be our teachers anymorethe future belongs to individuals who decide to become great bosses (and teachers).

We happily give up our freedom and our income in exchange for having someone else take responsibility for telling us what to do next.

Micro trends matter more than macro ones, but most of all, people matter. Individual human beings with names and wants and interests.

I have a lot on my mind and not a lot to do so it's going to come out, all of it, and then, then, it may begin to make a sort of sense

Kim: "What, a coffee? Hollie, I have some bad news. I hate you, okay?" Hollie: "You hate everyone, Kim." Kim: "You're one of everyone.

My readership seems to be the sensitive people, for the most part. Then there are the occasional fans who are like, "Ah, video games!"

You were born with two things: existence and opportunity, and these are the raw materials out of which you can make a successful life.

That's the biggest part of doing comics: You have to create stuff that makes you want to get out of bed every morning and get to work.

When the messenger arrives and says 'Don't shoot the messenger,' it's a good idea to be prepared to shoot the messenger, just in case.

Muggs was always sorry, Mother said, when he bit someone, but we could never understand how she figured this out. He didn't act sorry.

While "cute" is hopelessly anchored to the Teletubby ideal, "ugly" is free to take infinite varieties. In this way, ugly is beautiful.

Of course I’ve gone mad with power! Have you ever tried going mad without power? It’s boring and no one listens to you! — Russ Cargill

Love is a snowmobile racing across the tundra and then suddenly it flips over, pinning you underneath. At night, the ice weasels come.

The tendency in comedy is to have a character who's stupid get more stupid, because you're trying to top yourself and not just repeat.

I'm pretty adept with computers and Photoshop for my blog, and I found my style with a conversational voice and an image-ready column.

You can spend your time on stage pleasing the heckler in the back, or you can devote it to the audience that came to hear you perform.

I guess if people all followed the basic principles of their own religions, they would love everybody instead of hating half the world.

I wanted to create comics as soon as a I learned humans were behind them, that they were not natural phenomena like trees and boulders.

Looking back Little Lulu was an early feminist, but at the time I just thought she was a really feisty developed comic strip character.

The first Nintendo game I ever got was 'Clash at Demonhead.' I got into anime and manga thanks to that Canadian classic, 'Sailor Moon.'

Each new book that comes out kind of pulls up the old ones a little bit. The new releases are always going to bolster the old releases.

That stupid Charlie Brown! He had the nerve to say I'm not perfect!" "So I suppose you hit him, huh?" "Rats! I knew I forgot something!

The systematic dismantling of reproductive rights, much like the takedown of collective bargaining, has been taking place in full view.

Humor is a serious thing. I like to think of it as one of our greatest earliest natural resources, which must be preserved at all cost.

I was seized by the stern hand of Compulsion, that dark, unreasonable Urge that impels women to clean house in the middle of the night.

Most of the faint intimations of immortality of which we are occasionally aware would seem to arise out of Art or the materials of Art.

Please understand the reason why Chinese vegetables taste so good. It is simple. The Chinese do not cook them, they just threaten them!

My cartoons haven't been about the politics of the day or about the personalities; I'm more interested in campaigning about the issues.

Don't say yes until I've finished talking. - Attributed to many Hollywood executives Lots of folks confuse bad management with destiny.

Whats a gonzotic frenzy? Well its me in the throes of an ink splattering attempt to capture the feeling I have at that particular time.

If a restaurant offers crayons, I always take them and color throughout the meal. It beats talking to the people I came to dinner with.

I think architectural appreciation would be a minor occupation after a nuclear war. People would just be happy to have something to eat.

I proved to you that psychiatry is an exact science!" "An exact science?!" "Yes, you owe me exactly one hundred and forty-three dollars!

In a movie, you have to be mindful that no budget is going to be able to deal with running around the globe at every whim of the writer.

There is nothing wrong with making mistakes, but one should always make new ones. Repeating mistakes is a hallmark of dim consciousness.

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