I attended the Columbus College Of Art & Design for a little while, until I realized they didn't take cartooning very seriously.

We have a balance of $ .32 in the bank . . . Which makes us four-and-a-half trillion dollars richer than the federal government.

Going on Letterman is like going off the high dive. It's exhilarating, but after a while it wasn't the kind of thrill I enjoyed.

Cartooning is for people who can't quite draw and can't quite write. You combine the two half-talents and come up with a career.

I never really understood who the Magi were as a child. What is a Magi? Not a word I would use, but a magpie I could understand.

A friend of mine gave me a very good piece of advice, which is if you don't think your kids are going to want it, don't take it.

I guess that compared to other comic strips, I'm edgy. But put me along something like 'South Park,' and I'm 'Captain Kangaroo.'

My work is being destroyed almost as soon as it is printed. One day it is being read; the next day someone's wrapping fish in it.

Comics can be pernicious, fascist propaganda or anti-authoritarian. The ones that shaped me were particularly anti-authoritarian.

Samuel Beckett once said, "Every word is like an unnecessary stain on silence and nothingness." ...On the other hand, he SAID it.

I've wasted the last five years of my life dealing in religious articles. People today find spiritual solace in ballroom dancing.

I never studied art, but taught myself to draw by imitating the New Yorker cartoonists of that day, instead of doing my homework.

Many of my cartoons are not a belly laugh. I go for nostalgia, the lump in the throat, the tear in the eye, the tug in the heart.

The message is not so much that the worms will inherit the Earth, but that all things play a role in nature, even the lowly worm.

Lovely female shapes are terrible complicators of the difficulties and dangers of this earthly life, especially for their owners.

Comedy has ceased to be a challenge to the mental processes. It has become a therapy of relaxation, a kind of tranquilizing drug.

My aunt had a season ticket for the Friday afternoon concerts, and I would go down for lessons. My lessons were Saturday morning.

I've always been very forward-looking, and it was actually kind of difficult to turn my gaze backwards to look at comics history.

Suspense is very important. Even though this is humor and they're short stories, that theory of building suspense is still there.

You will not understand your part within the framework of nature until you actually see yourselves in danger of tearing it apart.

If you are love with the perfect, prepare to see it swept away. If you are able to dream of the impossible, it just might happen.

Today's younger generation is no worse than my own. We were just as ignorant and repulsive as they are, but nobody listened to us.

When I was an art student in the early 60′s before the acid scene began I was smoking pot just like anyone else who was an artist.

When I was an art student in the early 60's before the acid scene began I was smoking pot just like anyone else who was an artist.

It won't do you any good to run if you're running the wrong way. I've developed a new philosophy...I only dread one day at a time.

I would prefer not to be living with anyone, really. Like, as much as I care for my special friend, I don't want to live with her.

I'm not looking to get married or anything like that. I'm just a john now. I'm going to be paying for sex for the rest of my life.

The dog has seldom been successful in pulling man up to its level of sagacity, but man has frequently dragged the dog down to his.

When all things are equal, translucence in writing is more effective than transparency, just as glow is more revealing than glare.

I never graduated, but I was kind of floating between journalism and art, because neither one wanted to claim me, as a cartoonist.

There's no rap against comics that isn't true. They were sexist, they were racist, you name it - and they kind of gloried in that.

One of the simple but genuine pleasures in life is getting up in the morning and hurrying to a mousetrap you set the night before.

I was the founder of the 'Cartoon Bank' in the '90s. I was interested in finding ways for cartoonists to supplement their incomes.

I had a lot of ideas on how comics worked and pretty early on I had this idea that it would be fun to explain them in comics form.

A picture story just doesn't run like a film. It doesn't have 24 frames per second. It doesn't deal with this illusion of movement.

And that's why any of my picture books exist: They all seem to be built backwards from a simple, emotionally optimistic story beat.

I don't really have a metaphor for how I write, but it kinda feels like chipping away at a big dark object that I can't really see.

Just thinking about a friend makes you want to do a happy dance, because a friend is someone who loves you in spite of your faults.

You know what Oscar Wilde said, ma'am? He said, "nothing that is worth knowing can be taught". Nothing personal, ma'am... Carry on.

For example, I noticed that every single kid in the high school in 'The Death-Ray' is based on somebody I went to high school with.

The way I process things, they way I express myself, is in comics, just as poets process things that they are trying to understand.

Actually, I've been working on a plan. During the exam, I'll hide under some coats, and hope that somehow everything will work out.

I've lost balls in every hazard and on every course I've tried. But when I lose a ball in the ball washer, it's time to take stock.

I, I don't think anybody's continually happy, uh, except idiots, you know. You know, you have to have little moments of depression.

The best experiences and the biggest ideas don't fit into a category. They change it. They don't get filed away, they transform us.

When you do your first book, you're just like, "This is my work." And it's just this whole other world that you throw yourself into.

I don't date civilians. I don't even try. I'm totally out of the game of dating or trying to get a girlfriend or anything like that.

As you journey through life take a minute every now and then to give a thought for the other fellow. He could be plotting something.

With sixty staring me in the face, I have developed inflammation of the sentence structure and definite hardening of the paragraphs.

I don't like to brag, but I must tell you that I am regarded in some circles as being in the upper echelons of the elite loony left.

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