Man is troubled by what might be called the Dog Wish, a strange and involved compulsion to be as happy and carefree as a dog

It used to be that a fellow went on the police force when everything else failed, but today he goes in the advertising game.

Today, comics is one of the very few forms of mass communication in which individual voices still have a chance to be heard.

I was a lawyer for 10 years, and when youre in law, things really have to get done, or somebody sues you. Its a great trick.

I think sometimes older people wind up being a little childlike. They've done their time, now they get to do what they want.

did you ever see anybody so disgusting: said lightning to thunder, "never" thunder growled thunder, "lets give him the works

All his life he tried to be a good person. Many times, however, he failed. For after all, he was only human. He wasn't a dog.

Life is like a movie-since there aren't any commercial breaks, you have to get up and go to the bathroom in the middle of it.

Boys are beyond the range of anybody's sure understanding, at least when they are between the ages of 18 months and 90 years.

I'm not interested in showing a politician falling over; it's about the issue and making people think differently about that.

Son, if you really want something in life, you have to work for it. Now quiet, they're about to announce the lottery numbers.

You know, the courts may not be working any more, but as long as everyone is videotaping everyone else, justice will be done.

On Anzac Day, coffee and jokes with a Turk might be the most meaningful and fair dinkum dawn service you could possibly have.

A household where a total unawareness of the world of ideas not only existed but was regarded as a matter for congratulation.

America is ripe for lies and lethargy. The pure mountain air is going and gone. It is a huge burden and a sadness for us all.

Thank you for calling the Weight Loss Hotline. If you'd like to lose a half pound right now, press 1 eighteen thousand times.

The work itself is what motivates me. I like my own stuff, you know? I like the way it looks. I do it to please myself first.

The interesting thing about humor is that in humor, you - in logic, something is A or not A. In humor, it's both A and not A.

When you can't draw chameleons and you can't draw blenders, it's a bad idea to write strips where chameleons become blenders.

A comic strip has a rhythm and a pattern, and you got to get in and out quick. So you set up a joke, tell the joke, and done.

Friendship isn't about who you've known the longest. It's all about the friend who comes and stands by your side in bad times.

If I were a better artist, I'd be a painter, and if I were a better writer, I'd write books.. but I'm not, so I draw cartoons!

I've always thought the word cow was funny. And cows are sort of tragic figures. Cows blur the line between tragedy and humor.

You get used to it I suppose, but it's always a bit disappointing to see a comic referred to as 'by [writer]' and no one else.

My mom didn't want me to go to college. She didn't want me to read - when I read, I may as well have been holding a pineapple.

You wouldn't wish hardship on anyone, but when it comes, you would be crazy not to see the huge growth that will come from it.

My life is mine and I form it. Tell yourself this often. Create your own life now, using your beliefs as an artist uses color.

If your team is filled with people who work for the company, you'll soon be defeated by tribes of people who work for a cause.

I seem to be able to get away with pun strips if I add a panel at the end where I somehow indicate that I know it's a bad pun.

I was a lawyer for 10 years, and when you're in law, things really have to get done, or somebody sues you. It's a great trick.

If I could have drawn a cat yelling for lasagna every day for 15 years and have them pay me $30 million to do so, I would have.

The places I've been, or passed through, or seen at a distance, have had as much an impact on my life as the people I've known.

Jogging is very beneficial. It's good for your legs and your feet. It's also very good for the ground. If makes it feel needed.

The type of pop culture that is honestly very moving and powerful to me is [when artists] do their homework. They make it real.

Man has gone long enough, or even too long, without being man enough to face the simple truth that the trouble with man is man.

I had a terrible marriage the first time around because I had no self-confidence, even though I had tremendous self-confidence.

'The Simpsons' is about alienation and the ambivalence of living with a family who you love but who drive you completely crazy.

People seem to take as much offence as they possibly can these days - it's almost a new type of greed, a new kind of road rage.

I was the founder of the Cartoon Bank in the 90s. I was interested in finding ways for cartoonists to supplement their incomes.

If you think about it, for any kind of content on the web, the natural price per unit of these things should be under a dollar.

Don’t try to please everyone. There are countless people who don’t want one, haven’t heard of one or actively hate it. So what?

You know something is important when you're willing to let someone else take the credit if that's what it takes to get it done.

I became a degenerate artist. My parents were shaped by their own experiences, and artists weren't so useful in the death camps.

Otherwise, my whole career has just been flinging myself at whatever is most overdue first and letting everything else stack up.

I take it as a given that God's knowledge of the Cerebus storyline dwarfs my own as God's knowledge of everything dwarfs my own.

I'm comfortable having a specific audience to write to. I like the idea that my audience doesn't see what I do as controversial.

I don't want to be one of these people who's like, "Man, I don't know where my ideas come from and I don't know why this works."

'Marbles' really took so much and such a thorough effort from me that I was so happy to tie that up and have it feel satisfying.

You can see the latest dumbness as just the end of a long line of dumbnesses that have been taking place for thousands of years.

I don't believe the writer should know too much where he's going. If he does, he runs into old man blueprint—old man propaganda.

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