I wouldn't necessarily have been making books about how to make comics if I'd really felt I knew how to make comics.

The only real help is self-help. Anything else is just designed to get you to the point where you can help yourself.

It's never too late to redefine self-control, to change long-ingrained habits, and to do the work you're capable of.

Ignorance is the beginning of knowledge; knowledge is the beginning of wisdom; wisdom is the awareness of ignorance.

The universe throws us some obvious little pitches sometimes, and we need to be awake enough not to let them slip by.

Just because a woman has a pimp doesn't necessarily mean that she's being abused by the guy. You can't know for sure.

Don't knock the weather; nine-tenths of the people couldn't start a conversation if it didn't change once in a while.

I do love to eavesdrop. It's inspirational, not only for subject matter but for actual dialogue, the way people talk.

God help us to live slowly: To move simply: To look softly: To allow emptiness: To let the heart create for us. Amen.

Art, it seems to me, doesn't need freedom so much as it needs courage and love - some would call it 'soul' or 'Eros.'

Show me a woman with a subscription to a bridal magazine and I'll show you someone who doesn't even have a boyfriend.

Eccentricity, to be socially acceptable, had still to have at least four or five generations of inbreeding behind it.

Leaps look good in the movies, but in fact, success is mostly about finding a path and walking it one step at a time.

I spent the first half of my career learning what to put into my work, and the second half learning what to leave out.

The publishing industry has always wanted to make books as cheaply and as ephemerally as they could; it's nothing new.

It was a huge challenge to learn digital painting well enough so that computers don't pop into mind when one sees one.

Writing music is sort of my hobby, but it's been falling off more and more. Doing comic books takes up my entire life.

Before I could read, I remember trying to piece together the stories from the images. It was a very primal experience.

How can people say they don't eat eggplant when God loves the color and the French love the name? I don't under'stand.

Leslie Stein's comics give readers privileged access to a complete and wholly original world of gently skewed wonders.

I guess if I had to put it into a single phrase, the moral of the Frank stories is that the hammer never really falls.

Superman was my first comic back in the '50s; that was me under the bedspread with the flashlight reading comic books.

The histories of vampires and people are not so different, really. How many of us can honestly see our own reflection?

'Good Times' is a story about the loss of innocence, how adults are responsible for their actions but children aren't.

It's not easy to juggle a pregnant wife and a troubled child, but somehow I managed to fit in eight hours of TV a day.

Democracy just isn't working any more; without sanity at its heart, it is becoming a most unique and fiendish tyranny.

If you make a difference, people will gravitate to you. They want to engage, to interact and to get you more involved.

As far as unwed mothers on welfare are concerned, it seems to me that they must be capable of some other form of labor.

Each of us wages a private battle each day between the grand fantasies we have for ourselves and what actually happens.

Some days, a beautiful sunset with your best friend can be one of the most peaceful and relaxing mediations of the day.

Empty?! You took all the cookies!" "They were crying to get out of the jar... Cookies get claustrophobia too, you know!

Sometimes I wonder how you can stand being just a dog..." "You play with the cards you're dealt... Whatever that means.

I really want people to read the book, and bookstores never sold an issue of Eightball because nobody knew what it was.

I always begin at the left with the opening word of the sentence and read toward the right and I recommend this method.

You have to be in love with your story ... It's the love of the light; the time of day; of watching the moment unravel.

In order to be truthful we must do more than speak the truth. We must also hear truth, receive truth, search for truth.

In my journey as a cartoonist, I seem to have accidentally stumbled into all sorts of traps, damnations and blacklists.

The woman who steals your boyfriend has the ugliest shoes on earth. Truly hideous. You wouldn't be caught dead in them.

You know, we're really destroying ourselves because we're really making the motivating force of anything we do selfish.

The Bible was not written for entertainment purposes, so it's a real hodgepodge and a compendium of all kinds of stuff.

Theres something about most phobias where theres a tiny, tiny corner where you think this really actually could happen.

Animation should be an art…what you fellows have done with it, making it into a trade…not an art, but a trade…bad luck.

I guess if you take yourself seriously as an artist there starts either the problem or the beauty of doing good artwork.

I really like the look of old '70s and '80s Japanese comics, so I think that style is something I will continue to draw.

I had good relationships with stores. And I was like, "All right, I'll self-publish it. But I'm only going to do 1,000."

I found that not having a public profile was not hurting the work, and it freed me up to be the satirist I wanted to be.

Maxim 3: An ordnance technician at a dead run outranks everybody. -The Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries

But what is all this fear of and opposition to Oblivion? What is the matter with the soft Darkness, the Dreamless Sleep?

I can feel a thing I cannot touch and touch a thing I cannot feel. The first is sad and sorry, the second is your heart.

What would you do without me? Say 'nothing.'" "Nothing," said the Prince. "Good. Then you're helpless and I'll help you.

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