Change to me is like an old friend. It's not my enemy anymore. And I know it will keep coming back to visit again and again to teach me something new.

I knew that I wanted to start my own business. I knew that I wanted to work for myself. I was no stranger to the word no. You just have to keep going.

Our culture needs to find a robust image of female success that is first, not male, and second, not a white woman on the phone, holding a crying baby.

Writing about joyful experiences for just three days can improve people's moods and decrease their visits to health centers a full three months later.

I grew up in a little funny town called Xuzhou, in the countryside, very poor. We didn't have hot water. We were four children: three girls and a boy.

We at Fidelity view ourselves just as much a financial information processing company as an investment management firm. That may not be too newsworthy.

I wash my skin with Re-Nutrive Intensive Hydrating Skin Cleanser, no toner, and follow with the range's Re-Nutrive Intensive Age-Renewal and Eye Creme.

To any CEO who's skeptical at all, you have to create a social enterprise today; you have to be totally connected with everyone who touches your brand.

I always say that my job is not to think about today. My job is to look around the corner and feel and see what's coming, and then warn everybody else.

People talk about the age and positioning of a brand, but hell, it's not about that. The global language is digital, and we need to speak the language.

The men at the top aren't that great at properly assessing the women under them, certainly not enough to gauge their potential or intestinal fortitude.

When you are in the public eye, it is really counterproductive to think about how you're viewed in the eyes of others. You just have to be who you are.

Housework comes first, so girls often fall behind in school. Global statistics show that it's increasingly girls, not boys, who don't know how to read.

How many people, though, do I meet that I think have talent? Well actually a lot. That's what drives my enthusiasm in the conversation about diversity.

You can be this super-successful woman who's smart and effective but still feminine. When I worked in finance, I didn't always think that was possible.

I saw things before they happened, and that scared me very much. The premonitions would always be accompanied by harsh and painful physical sensations.

I don't believe we have a professional self Monday through Friday and a real self the rest of the time. It is all professional, and it is all personal.

Generally, our approach with products at Google is to first develop the right user base and then to figure out what's the right experience for the ads.

There are lots of people in the Silicon Valley who are interested in working at a fast-moving, dynamic company like Google. Not just my family members.

Don't assume that the answers are out there in the form of somebody else already doing something. Sometimes they are. But you have to think beyond that.

I don't want to be a great executive without being a great mom and a great wife. I don't want to look back and say I wish I had done things differently.

I've never gone to the Oscars because I can't afford another week away. It is not more important than my husband. It is not more important than my kids.

Think of energy almost like emotional electricity. It has a powerful way of uniting ordinary people, their connected spirit, to do extraordinary things.

When I concentrate, my face is deadpan and I can see there is a coldness there - when I'm making business decisions I know I can be quite dispassionate.

You can choose not to sit on the fence. You can choose not to criticise. You must stand as guard at the door of your own mind and choose to be positive.

Having children made us look differently at all these things that we take for granted, like taking your child to get a vaccine against measles or polio.

I feel we all have a stake in our community as much as we do in our own spirits, and seeking avenues of generosity is the direct path to peace among us.

Someone who values fairness and expects or, even better, wants to do his share in the home. These men exist and, trust me, over time, nothing is sexier.

Happy Monday! Live without fear! Face your fears and see them as an OPPORTUNITY for strength and growth. You'll see, once you face them, they disappear!

When I took the job as Estée Lauder's creative director, the first thing I did was go into the archives! I love taking our heritage and making it modern.

The most important thing I've done at work has been to surround myself with amazing people who I trust and empower fully to do stuff better than I could.

I'm always asked about how women get on in the boardroom and my answer is always, 'Never acknowledge that you are a woman. Your gender is not the point.'

I think the thing about business is that it's not completely separate to life. You're selling to people so it's all about life skills - and common sense.

Whatever you can think, you can create; just have a very clear vision... Once you have your snapshot, work on filling in the blanks to get to that place.

As a man gets more successful, powerful, he is more liked, and as a woman gets more successful, she is less liked, and that's true by both women and men.

It's such an old-fashioned attitude to make people feel like they're not good enough for your clothes. That's so negative and so old-fashioned and wrong.

I have a lot of staples in my wardrobe. I love to pair a silk or lace blouse with a fitted black pant. This combination feels effortless yet put together.

It's not unusual for a luxury company to be born from a single product and then diversify. Louis Vuitton began with luggage, and Gucci with leather goods.

I'm naturally curious, and I've always been driven by my curiosity. Curiosity gets people excited. Curiosity leads to new ideas, new jobs, new industries.

I joined a meetup group called Bay Area Parents for a Commercial-Free Childhood, which I had searched for, as I was going to start a group like it myself.

If people have got an amazing opportunity such as on 'Dragons' Den' and they mess it up by being lazy with their presentation it does make me a bit cross.

I suffer from reverse body dysmorphia. When I look in the mirror I see somebody slimmer. It's quite a shock to see myself on TV, especially on widescreen.

For me, just being on the cover of a magazine wasn't enough. I began to think, what value is there in doing something in which you have no creative input?

We hold ourselves back in ways both big and small, by lacking self-confidence, by not raising our hands, and by pulling back when we should be leaning in.

Happy Monday! Don't victimize yourself and let life pass you by as you sit around and complain about problems. Be empowered and create solutions. You can!

I don't care how advanced technology gets. I don't think that there's anything that can replace looking someone in the eyes, touching their hand, you know?

If there's one single thing that I do every single time, it's require references and, ideally, at least one reference from every company they've worked at.

Deep human connection is ... the purpose and the result of a meaningful life - and it will inspire the most amazing acts of love, generosity, and humanity.

The way I go about it is that we should all be inviting people into our lives who don't look like us, speak like us and don't come from where we come from.

Don't rest on your laurels. There's always going to be someone behind you who's going to be better than you. So you need to get out there and keep working.

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