Banish the words 'I can't' from your vocabulary. Remember: If 'can't' equals 'won't', 'can' equals 'will.'

People look at me as spiritual... but I am also very logical, very business-minded. The two come together.

Grief affects job performance, so giving workers time off to grieve can lead to stronger outcomes at work.

I probably shouldn't admit this since I work in the tech industry, but I still prefer reading paper books.

When you suffer a tragedy, the secondary loss of having it bleed into other areas of your life is so real.

I would prefer to get more sleep, quite frankly, because I think I would be more productive at everything.

We pray before everything - videos, onstage, TV shows. I think that has a lot to do with being successful.

Just as I love women, I love gay men. I always say it: inside me there is a gay man who wants to come out.

I'm not shy about asking the customer, because I want to talk about who she is and what she wants from me.

I don't believe anyone who says they don't care what people say about them. Of course they bloody well do.

The older you get, the more comfortable you become with yourself, and you accept what you have physically.

It's important to always mix the past with the present. I think that makes it feel more authentic and real.

The biggest beauty myth is that everyone looks better without makeup. That's not true. Makeup is important.

When I became the CEO of Burberry in July 2006, luxury was one of the fastest-growing sectors in the world.

Don't get cocky just because you've had a good run. You can lose your business as fast as you've earned it.

All the best things that happened to me happened after I was rejected. I knew the power of getting past no.

Business doesn't cut you any slack because of your gender. You're either good at what you do or you're not.

I try to visit stores because it's important to meet the teams and to hear the comments of the salespeople.

A scale is only in balance for a brief second. Inevitably the pendulum swings. It's impossible to maintain.

In both business and personal life, I've always found that travel inspires me more than anything else I do.

Someone once I asked my son Cruz, 'When's your birthday?' and he told them, 'It's just after Fashion Week!'

Fashion nowadays is all about product - bags and shoes - and you're kind of a product yourself, aren't you?

We must recognize that anger only agitates and incites. It cannot squelch or satisfy the hunger for justice.

I just need to do Pac's work. I just need to. Maybe because I'm a recovering addict, I'm obsessed like that.

I think when you're empathetic, you're putting yourself in somebody else's shoes, right? It's not about you.

Make sure you pick good people to build your business with, as they'll determine 80 percent of your success.

It's the building of things that makes you happy. You have to enjoy the process whether you succeed or fail.

One of the many wonderful things about homeschooling is that I am constantly learning alongside my daughter.

Twitter is a vessel that we can use to share #positivity to others through our timeline one tweet at a time.

It is still just unbelievable to us that diarrhea is one of the leading causes of child deaths in the world.

Lata Mangeshkar is a living legend. She has enthralled millions of hearts all over the world with her music.

I think people hide behind anonymity and they feel like they can say whatever they want behind closed doors.

Motivation comes from working on things we care about. It also comes from working with people we care about.

John will never send a boy or girl in a uniform anywhere in the world because of our need and greed for oil.

I not only enjoy a really great friendship with both my girls but also a close mother-daughter bond as well.

I'm a grandmother, but I don't want to look like a grandmother. I still want to look sexy and sophisticated.

I'm living in Beverly Hills. I'm very, very lucky. I wake up every morning and I recognize that I'm blessed.

Anger is an all-consuming fire that will burn you and everyone else around you. Where is the justice in that?

The difference between successful people and others is how long they spend time feeling sorry for themselves.

If China was like the moon, then arriving in Saudi Arabia was Mars. At least you can see the moon from Earth.

Well, you know, in this crazy world of entertainment, I would say if you have a dream, you have to pursue it.

Often really what you need is someone who will believe in you, who will encourage you to believe in yourself.

Kids are falling through the cracks and nobody notices it. That to me is what's wrong with the school system.

Everyday classroom teaching is not what children will remember, but how you made a difference in their lives.

There are a lot of male egos out there that cannot deal with highly successful women. And it's their problem.

A truly equal world would be one where women ran half our countries and companies and men ran half our homes.

I'm a very, very healthy eater. I eat lots of fish, lots of vegetables, lots of fruit. I don't eat junk food.

I was very obsessed. I mean, I could tell you the fat content and the calorie content in absolutely anything.

Every day, you have to get up with new energy and new ideas to contribute to pushing the organization forward.

I never wear too much jewelry. I never wear a ton of pattern. Sometimes I'll go big, but it never feels right.

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