In terms of pots and pans, I just use the basics - Im not a snob like that.

My actual first summer internship was in the design department of Clinique.

Remember to keep yourself alive, there is nothing more important than that.

All we ever wanted was for Tupac to have the opportunity to tell his story.

Become better at firing than hiring - it's crucial for building a business.

I hardly ever swear. So when I do, my husband knows it's extremely serious.

I've always wanted to be the biggest real estate man to come down the pike.

Vaccines are a miracle cure. Eight out of 10 children are getting vaccines.

I got in trouble in Catholic school for rolling the waist of my skirt down.

In the future, there will be no female leaders. There will just be leaders.

The most important career decision you'll make is who your life partner is.

Judaism is my home. Judaism is super important to me, in death and in life.

We tap into something when we're honest about what's going on in our lives.

I taught my girls to pick up their own suitcases. Pretty is as pretty does.

If you have a surreal life like I do, you've got to have fun along the way.

In terms of pots and pans, I just use the basics - I'm not a snob like that.

We need to stop frowning upon failure whilst criticising those that succeed.

For me, my husband gives me advice all the time - he's been very supportive.

Great design alone isn't going to yield the results investors are expecting.

Home staging is no longer optional in this real estate market, it is a must!

If a house is priced appropriately, make a bid 10 percent below that amount.

In terms of my career, I am glad about the steps and moves that I have made.

I'm not good at vacationing. I've repeatedly failed at palapas and mai-tais.

I consider my position in the business world not as a woman but as a person.

Its always important to invest in young talents and the talents of tomorrow.

It's important to feel what the customer is feeling when he enters the shop.

I'm constantly saying to myself, 'I'm lucky I was born in the United States.

Our economies are built on the backs of all this unpaid labor that women do.

While growing up, I lived in a traditional joint family in Mumbai's suburbs.

There is not a job Ive held in my career that was held by a woman before me.

Failure is not the outcome - failure is not trying. Don't be afraid to fail.

If you're offered a seat on a rocket ship, don't ask what seat! Just get on.

My girls do a lot of philanthropic work, but they are very private about it.

My mother was a very amazing woman. She was a very strong, remarkable woman.

I appreciate that young girls look up to me. And I take that very seriously.

Some wedges are great but you can look like your feet are encased in cement.

I don't wear heels every day, but when I'm out, that's how I feel confident.

I used to love a well-arranged room: the furniture, the fabric, the lighting.

My dad would always say, "When you look at a photo do you see yourself last?"

Just because you're a luxury brand doesn't mean you have to have an attitude.

Home staging used to be optional. Today, it's a necessity in selling a house.

I don't like shopping and I'm lucky enough to have a stylist to do it for me.

It's always important to invest in young talents and the talents of tomorrow.

Focusing on a person's positive attributes is an incredible way to give love.

I can’t control who follows me, but I can control who I follow.[Social Media]

If you don’t have faith in yourself, then nobody else will have faith in you.

There are enough stories about my family. We have all been in the public eye.

When we invest in women, we invest in a powerful source of global development

I learned about M&A and how to value assets and work with investment bankers.

There is not a job I've held in my career that was held by a woman before me.

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