Quotes of All Topics . Occasions . Authors
You've got to stop whipping a dead horse sometime.
Everything of worth is found full of difficulties.
The Best way to help the world is to help someone!
Disloyalty is the secret weapon of the Tory Party.
I don’t have to win. I just have to make you lose.
I was never Vice Chair of the Troops Out Movement.
What we have to do is reinvent the idea of Europe.
Brexit means Brexit.The public made their verdict.
This is our world, and we must make the best of it.
We would all rather see Iraq resolved successfully.
As a young man, I was angry about all things legal.
I do rely on my instincts a lot and my imagination.
I've never bothered about what people say about me.
I spend a lot of time visiting local organisations.
'9/11' came out of a swamp of hatred created by us.
I very much support financial education in schools.
The attitude, and the mind, is where it all starts.
Speaking up for America has become a lonely ordeal.
I can't influence how other parties choose to vote.
We know the costs of Europe. What are the benefits?
Free trade is the way to bring jobs and prosperity.
Revolutions about taxation have shaped our history.
We have the finest military personnel in the world.
I am proud of my loyalty to my party and my country.
Roger Scruton is one of our great men of speculation
Politicians diminish themselves by sounding robotic.
Climate change threatens every man, woman and child.
Tax cuts should be for life, not just for Christmas.
The national park is the best idea America ever had.
The EU project is to create a country called Europe.
Mrs Thatcher requires devotion as well as obedience.
My opponents are the people who gave up our borders.
Minority ethnic issues need to be mainstream issues.
We can bring immigration down to sustainable levels.
Britain must govern Britain and nothing less will do.
Rest of my life is more important to me than politics
Labour is the party of internationalism and openness.
The party at its best has always been a modern party.
He was a hateful terrorist who will be missed by all.
Perhaps the most typically American place in America.
Fortunes are made by buying low and selling too soon.
The Paralympians have lifted the cloud of limitation.
I'm not someone who feels anger on particular issues.
Someone once claimed I was not really a Yorkshireman!
You should be able to choose which hospital you go to.
I stay on terra firma: the more firm, the less terror.
Scotland is a great country. It's integral to the U.K.
At school, I was frequently subjected to racial abuse.
I didn't know when Parliament started to pay my wages.
Prison is an expensive way of making bad people worse.