Parents must lead by example. Don't use the cliche; do as I say and not as I do. We are our children's first and most important role models.

Circuit training consists of doing resistant movements combined with an aerobic activity (jogging in place, jump rope, jumping jacks, etc.).

You are hungry all the time for the last two months before a competition. Every survival thing on your body is telling you that you must eat.

It's my job to help people so that God can continue to help them live out the mission that they have... they've got to be healthy to do that.

Nothing comes easy, but as long as you're breathing, you're always one breath away from making your dreams a reality. Make every breath count.

It's like you have to save your own life, nobody is going to be your savior for you, so we have to do what we have to do, no matter what it is

I've stayed basic through all the years. Beans, rice, fish, chicken. Water. Clean water. A must. Green vegetables, fruit, grains, whole wheat.

When I started out in the industry, I turned to magazines like 'Flex' and 'Muscle & Fitness' - the people on their covers were my inspiration.

When I go out there onstage, I want to be more than just a blocky guy who waddles onto the posing platform. I want the girls to feel something.

I think that everything should be a stepping stone for something bigger and better and if there is something bigger then why not go on after it?

Perfecting your form and technique at early stages will go a long way. Don't compromise on the big lifts - deadlifts, squats, and bench-presses.

I endorsed supplements for about 15-20 years and made a lot of people a lot of money, so I figured I should do my own line and make my own money.

I am a believer, I am believer that we shape and create the life that we choose, and I believe that the tool that we have to do that, is our mind.

I grew up playing basketball in the inner city of Seattle, and by the time I was a senior, I earned a full scholarship to the University of Denver.

With some basic skills, ambition and persistence, then there is little limit to what you can achieve, and by trying you can often surprise yourself.

I train for two reasons. Number one, I love working out, and number two, I want to win. You can't win if you don't train to the best of your ability.

I've no wish to run into a contest and make a fool of myself, leaving my career in a cul-de-sac. I want to be a success in the sport of bodybuilding.

I feel it is a tremendous compliment to a natural competitor to hear "I just don't believe you're natural," because it means you just look that good.

Exercise and fitness will always be part of my life but it does not have to be lifting huge weights; I like yoga, cycling, walking swimming, anything.

I never see bodybuilding on the sports page and it is not considered to be a sport because of the drug question, because of steroids, let's be honest.

Remember that progress is not linear either. Sometimes you make great progress for a while and then you slide back a little. That's OK. Don't give up.

I'll be a diehard bodybuilder until my last breath, but I want my brand and the movement we are creating to touch all aspect of the fitness community.

Each workout is like a brick in a building, and every time you go in there and do a half-ass workout, you're not laying a brick down. Somebody else is.

I want people to realize bodybuilders are athletes. We have a very meticulous philosophy on how we are able to gain muscle and lose fat simultaneously.

Most people don't do front squats because they're uncomfortable, and there are easier alternatives, but to really add size to the quads, they're a must.

When it comes to personal appearance, people are quick to cast judgment on people who look better than them. It's part of the human inferiority complex.

I had only been training for a year and half when I did the World Games. Then the next year I did the British championship as a heavyweight and won that.

Being Negative and Lazy is a disease that leads to pain, hardship, depression, poor health and failure. Be pro active, and give a damn to achieve success!

When I was getting ready for a contest I was not thinking size, I was thinking I want to come in shredded, so shredded that people are going to be shocked.

My first Mr. Olympia was 1991 and that was in Florida against the great Lee Haney, who became Mr. Olympia in 1984, and I started training properly in 1983.

They can crack jokes. They can sit back and analyze and criticize and make all the fun they want. But I'm living my life, I'm doing it. What are you doing?

I loved challenging myself every day. The weight room was my therapy for everyday life stresses. No matter what I was doing I always wanted to be the best.

The only way to isolate specific back muscles - whether it is upper. or lower back - or make any progress is through the power of the mind-muscle connection.

Back in the day I took a lot of supplements and tons of amino acids. Still do. But back then it was pretty unusual. That's how I got the nickname The Chemist.

The attraction, and my particular participation is in being able to communicate with my fans, answer their questions, get a feel for how they respond to Vader.

There were actually a couple of times I fell asleep at the gym on accident after a workout, but it was still late enough, so I went home and caught some sleep.

Whenever my teenage daughter comes down the stairs dressed like a tramp for her date, I think to myself: 'Damn, why won't her mother wear something like that ?'

I was not going to be distracted by anything - a fight with my wife, a bump in the car, whatever it may be. I refused to let anything interfere with my workouts.

Green clovers. Blue diamonds. Orange Stars. Pink hearts. Purple horseshoes. Man, I never know if I'm looking at a bowl of cereal or having another acid flashback.

Recent studies have revealed that children 8-10 years old are being diagnosed with Type II diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure at an alarming rate

Everyone gets the impression that bodybuilders are narcissistic, and we look at ourselves in mirrors all the time. But that side of the sport doesn't appeal to me.

When little old ladies recognize a guy who was Mr. Olympia, that's saying something. That means I've been able to cross lines as far as marketability is concerned.

Recent studies have revealed that children 8-10 years old are being diagnosed with Type II diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure at an alarming rate.

Nothing can burst your fatherly bubble faster than hearing your daughter come home from a date and saying: 'Some nights I don't know why I even bother to wear panties'.

In every sport, at the competitive level, there's always a danger of injury. But there are considerably less chances in body building comparatively, than say in soccer.

Bodybuilding is an art, your body is the canvas, weights are your brush and nutrition is your paint. We all have the ability to turn a self portrait into a masterpiece.

Civilisation has, indeed, become a slaughtering-car crowned by a grinning effigy of Comfort, before which man blindly and voluntarily hurls himself in his own ignorance.

Man's proper stature is not one of mediocrity, failure, frustration, or defeat, but one of achievement, strength, and nobility. In short, man can and ought to be a hero.

Genetics help to some degree, but the most important thing is the mind and the spirit. These two are even more powerful than physical characteristics that are passed on.

I'd worked in Clockwork Orange with Stanley Kubrick and since Stanley was such a prestigious director this opened all sorts of doors for me - one of them being Star Wars.

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