Miserable indeed is that religious teaching which calls itself Christian, and yet contains nothing of the cross.

How is it that many who profess and call themselves Christians, do so little for the Savior whose name they bear?

There is one subject in religion, about which you can never know too much. That subject is Jesus Christ the Lord.

We live in an age when there is a false glare on the things of time and a great mist over the things of eternity.

Praying and sinning will never live together in the same heart. Prayer will consume sin, or sin will choke prayer.

Let us receive nothing, believe nothing, follow nothing which is not in the Bible, nor can be proved by the Bible.

Trials are intended to make us think, to wean us from the world, to send us to the Bible, to drive us to our knees.

Beware of manufacturing a God of your own: a God who is all mercy, but not just. Such a God is an idol of your own.

Laughter, ridicule, opposition, persecution, are often the only reward which Christ's followers get from the world.

If you love Christ, never be ashamed to let others see it and know it. Speak for Him. Witness for Him. Live for Him.

Whatever you read, read the Bible first. Beware of bad books: there are plenty in this day. Take heed what you read.

And I believe it to be a signal evidence of the Spirit's presence when the Word is really precious to a man 's soul.

Never does a person see any beauty in Christ as a Savior, until they discover that they are a lost and ruined sinner.

The true Christian delights to hear something about his Master. He likes those sermons best which are full of Christ.

The love of our Lord Jesus Christ towards sinners is strikingly shown in His steady purpose of heart to die for them.

The first step towards attaining a higher standard of holiness is to realize more fully the amazing sinfulness of sin.

The doctrine of Christ crucified is the strength of a Minister. I, for one, would not be without it for all the world.

Wherever we may be, or whatever our circumstances, the Lord Jesus sees them. We are never beyond the reach of His care.

HATE SIN! Instead of loving it, cleaving to it, excusing it, playing with it, we ought to hate it with a deadly hatred.

When a person’s tongue is extensively wrong, it is absurd, no less than unscriptural, to say that their heart is right.

He that would be conformed to Christ's image, and become a Christ-like man, must be constantly studying Christ Himself.

The work of the preacher resembles that of the sower. Like the sower, the preacher must sow good seed, the Word of God.

Knowledge of the Bible never comes by intuition. It can only be obtained by diligent, regular, daily, attentive reading.

The parent who tries to train without setting a good example is building with one hand, and pulling down with the other.

The harvest of the Lord’s field is seldom ripened by sunshine only. It must go through its days of wind, rain and storm.

Let us never measure our religion by that of others, and think we are doing enough if we have gone beyond our neighbors.

Millions of people profess and call themselves Christians, whom the Apostle Paul would not have called Christians at all.

Persecution, in short, is like the goldsmith's stamp on real silver and gold - it is one of the marks of a converted man.

Do not glory in your own faith, your own feelings, your own knowledge, or your own diligence. Glory in nothing but Christ.

Look to the cross, think of the cross, meditate on the cross, and then go and set your affections on the world if you can.

Since Satan can't destroy the gospel, he has too often neutralized its usefulness by addition, subtraction or substitution.

It costs something to be a true Christian. It will cost us our sins, our self-righteousn ess, our ease and our worldliness.

There are eternal consequences resulting from all our thoughts, words and actions, of which we take far too little account.

The Lord Jesus is "a friend who never changes." There is no fickleness about Him: those whom He loves, He loves to the end.

Let us read our Bibles reverently and diligently, with an honest determination to believe and practice all we find in them.

What is the cause of most backslidings? I believe, as a general rule, one of the chief causes is neglect of private prayer.

No doubt men may easily think too little of God the Father, and God the Spirit, but no man ever thought too much of Christ.

I maintain that to tell a person they are born again, while they are living in carelessness or sin, is a dangerous delusion.

The Christianity that saves is a thing personally grasped, personally experienced, personally felt and personally possessed.

A tree may always be known by its fruit, and a true Christian may always be discovered by their habits, tastes & affections.

Better to confess Christ 1000 times now and be despised by men, than be disowned by Christ before God on the day of Judgment.

Election is always to sanctification. Where there is no visible fruit of sanctification, we may be sure there is no election.

Let it be a settled principle in our minds that the first and chief business of the Church of Christ is to preach the Gospel.

True faith will always show itself by its fruits . . . I suspect that, with rare exceptions, men die just as they have lived.

We corrupt the Word of God most dangerously, when we throw any doubt on the plenary inspiration of any part of Holy Scripture.

God does not look at riches, titles, education, or beauty. There is only one thing that God does look at, and that is the soul.

The hand of the wicked can't stir one moment before God allows them to begin, and...one moment after God commands them to stop.

Troublous times, departures from the faith, evil men waxing worse and worse, love waxing cold, are things distinctly predicted.

Growth in grace is one way to be happy in our religion. God has wisely linked together our comfort and our increase in holiness.

Good hymns are an immense blessing to the Church. They train people for heaven, where praise is one of the principal occupations.

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