Players will never do more than you demand.

You want perfection, go to a bowling alley!

I read books by other coaches all the time.

You love simply because you cannot help it.

The Ten Commandments were not a suggestion.

Know your strengths, weaknesses, and needs.

Wisdom is always an overmatch for strength.

Live every day as if it were Saturday night.

I do some broadcasting and speaking as well.

It doesn't cost nothing to be nice to people

You have to stick to your goals of progress.

All really successful coaches have a system.

My name's been on this check for a week now.

Always acknowledge hustle plays in practice.

Quick guys get tired; big guys don't shrink.

Sometimes I'm more stubborn than I am smart.

Your problems never cease, they just change.

Remember, Team, surrender the me for the we.

Your problems never cease. They just change.

Pro basketball is a very mercenary endeavor.

I enjoy the challenge of being a head coach.

Winning is only important in war and surgery.

There has never been a great 'silent' defense

I must learn what I can to teach what I must.

I go to bat with people that are loyal to me.

Nothing is absolutely 100 percent guaranteed.

Think and then act. Never act and then alibi.

The problem with the NCAA - it's slow-moving.

We weren't impatient. We just weren't moving.

When life kicks you, let it kick you forward.

I always coached mostly the have-not schools.

Indiana basketball is bigger than one person.

Washington State was a tough recruiting spot.

I think I can help others just by my example.

I can't stand a ballplayer who plays in fear.

Dreamers are not content with being mediocre.

Ego is the greatest killer of one's potential

I don't think I have ever been out of control.

The opera isn't over until the fat lady sings.

Discipline and demand without being demeaning.

Don't focus on the victory, focus on the task.

Just concentrate on what you're supposed to do

Kobe Bryant is a terrific offensive rebounder.

Christmas Day is a big day for NBA basketball.

Systems are overrated; players are underrated.

I enjoy watching Gregg Popovich-coached teams.

Criticize on defense and encourage on offense.

It's a big deal to get to the NCAA Tournament.

Don’t coach for the name on your business card

Don't worry about losing. Think about winning.

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