I never thought I would go into the dance charts.

The cynicism that you have is not your real soul.

When Orientals are attacked, they don't hit back.

Most people like to hear sounds they are used to.

I tried to oppose the academic to the marketplace.

People always understand everything in retrospect.

I never fall apart, because I never fall together.

People should fall in love with their eyes closed.

You have to be willing to get happy about nothing.

Artists have no choice but to express their lives.

Generosity is often the stalking horse of control.

You'll never see it my way, because you're not me!

If I think about it too much, I can't get dressed.

Beauty is the ultimate defense against complexity.

After all, the work isn't the point; the piece is.

Regardless of your support, you need to make work.

What makes sovereign ugliness are our conventions.

Nature creates unity even in the parts of a whole.

I'm actually pretty smart when you get to know me.

It's not our art, but our heart that's on display.

A primitive artist is an amateur whose work sells.

I wouldn't mind turning into a vermilion goldfish.

Color exists in itself, possessing its own beauty.

Fool! Nothing but black ink runs through my veins!

Let's face it I am not Joan Collins or Boy George.

It is weight that gives meaning to weightlessness.

A color is as strong as the impression it creates.

If you don't grow up by age 35, you don't have to.

My art has no object, no image, no point of focus.

Can't a person be born where they want to be born?

If I'm away from painting for a week, I get bored.

Alienation produces eccentrics or revolutionaries.

My latest works are these things with light bulbs.

We never really perceive what color is physically!

I'm an artist by trade and an author by necessity.

i've come to deliver some bad luck -train heartnet

I don't consider myself a musician. I'm an artist.

But what is art other than revealing human nature?

I believe the artist has an obligation to society.

Heal the past, live the present, dream the future.

Art is more to do with observation than invention.

I’m self-entertaining. My dialogue is with myself.

I'm self-entertaining. My dialogue is with myself.

I photograph [people] as if photographing flowers.

Yuki: "Is your brain directly wired to perversion?

I think old people should just be old and go away.

The awareness of our own strength makes us modest.

Imaginatively in a pictorial sense I was airborne.

It's such a waste, sleep. You're just lying there.

A painting that is well composed is half finished.

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