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Language is an old-growth forest of the mind.
racism is alive and doing too well in America.
You plan and plan and plan then Africa happens
God cannot be reduced to a sample for analysis.
Risk discomfort and solitude for understanding.
Tell me, and then again show me, so I can know.
Distance is the only cure for certain diseases.
All power is in essence power to deny mortality.
Hierarchy is is much reviled in the present day.
I haven't strength of mind not to need a career.
want won't kill you half as quick as worry will.
Faith hasn't got no eyes, but she's long-legged.
Scientists are very afraid of being proven wrong.
I guess my enthusiasm kind of rubs off on people.
Culture is not a biologically transmitted complex
Gods always behave like the people who make them.
The scientist believes in proof without certainty.
I was very intellectually oriented, very early on.
There was no romance about the mosquitos, however.
Culture is not a biologically transmitted complex.
The information is in the people, not in your head.
Behind every piece of paper lies a human situation.
The major force in world history is sheer dumbness.
My parents had broken through the shackles of dogma
Ships at a distance have every man's wish on board.
The only measure of what you believe is what you do.
The White House is now essentially a TV performance.
My parents had broken through the shackles of dogma.
Information is a difference that makes a difference.
No single answer can hold the truth of a good heart.
We grow in time to trust the future for our answers.
Justice, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.
I want a busy life, a just mind, and a timely death.
The cultured man is an artist, an artist in humanity.
We don't know what we think until we see what we say.
A competitive culture endures by tearing people down.
Love makes your soul crawl out from its hiding place.
I did not just fall in love. I made a parachute jump.
I'm so picky. People hate going to the movies with me.
Hell has been described as a pocket edition of Chicago.
I think feminism has had a major impact on anthropology
Fashion is custom in the guise of departure from custom
Guilt results from unused life, from the unlived in us.
Any great organization can go through sectarian phases.
The last thing a fish would ever notice would be water.
No hour is ever eternity, but it has its right to weep.
God took pattern after a pine tree and built you noble.
I been through living for years. I just ain't dead yet.
If we wanted home truths, we should have stayed at home.
I think feminism has had a major impact on anthropology.