Jackie Gleason said that comedy is the most exacting form of dramatic art, because it has an instant critic: laughter.

I've always been thinking in three dimensions, ever since I started working with computer animation in the early '80s.

You know, going to the movies has always been recession-proof. It's fairly cheap entertainment; it's classic escapism.

When we have a disaster in Japan, I wonder, how can we prevent our lives and traditions and history from the disaster?

Most of the animated films I watched, the emotions are all prepackaged like canned music, the hand actions, the sighs.

I always like to look on the optimistic side of life, but I am realistic enough to know that life is a complex matter.

Every man is captain of his career and there must be cooperation all around if he is to get what he wants out of life.

Both the writing and the visuals in that sense are very exploratory. It goes back to my rule for myself [in] making it.

At Pixar, we do sequels only when we come up with a great idea, and we always strive to be different than the original.

My mom had gotten a Super 8 camera to make home movies with, and my brother and me got our hands on it and ran with it.

Animation is tremendously resilient. Animation will recover, as art always recovers. There's always cycles of good art.

I'd say it's been my biggest problem all my life... it's money. It takes a lot of money to make these dreams come true.

Fighting a cold, but I'm powering through. As they say, there's nothing better for a cold than doing interviews all day.

There was a period of time when they estimated the two biggest stars in Hollywood were Charlie Chaplin and Mickey Mouse.

Faced with the choice of enduring a bad toothache or going to the dentist, we generally tried to ride out the bad tooth.

Disneyland is like a piece of clay: If there is something I don't like, I'm not stuck with it. I can reshape and revamp.

I've always had a feeling that any time you can experiment, you ought to do it. Because you never know what will happen.

When you go to bat as many times as I do, you're bound to get a good average. That's why I keep my projects diversified.

Flattery looks like friendship, just like a wolf looks like a dog. Food for thought is no substitute for the real thing.

I always designed 'Gravity Falls' to be a finite series about one epic summer-a series with a beginning, middle, and end.

Humor is the easiest to achieve; the 'heart' is always the toughest, because you can't tell people to feel a certain way.

I was born in 1957, so when I was a kid, there wasn't anything called a video game. When 'Pong' came out, it was awesome.

I love the Sonoma wine community. It's like Pixar - nothing competitive, only supportive. They're always rooting for you.

It's the nature of Hollywood that there are the people in power and the people who tell them what they want them to hear.

I'm not the perfectionist anymore. It's my staff. They're the ones always insisting on doing something better and better.

Some is more equal than others, as is well known. It ain't that your majority is outnumbered, you're just out-surrounded.

When I was about 7 years old, I built a leprechaun trap out of a cardboard box, a biscuit tin and some toilet paper tubes.

When you're drawing from observation and experience, whether you intend to or not, you'll create a more relatable cartoon.

Publicity gets more than a little tiring. You want it, you need it, you crave it, and you're scared as hell when it stops.

Crowded classrooms and half-day sessions are a tragic waste of our greatest national resource - the minds of our children.

All individuals are different. Some of us just wouldn't be satisfied with just carrying out a routine job and being happy.

There is a very specific, unique brand of rivalry that exists between twins. You're always wondering who the Alpha twin is.

I spent many years of my childhood pondering the great mysteries like, 'Are aliens real?' and 'Why won't girls talk to me?'

As you become acquainted with a character you are creating, you add parts of yourself that are pertinent to that character.

As the director, to have the opportunity to work with actors of the calibre of David Oyelewo is just fantastic and special.

There are artists who are writers, but there was no such thing as cartoons that were written by somebody who couldn't draw.

People have a real love of looking at small worlds - something inside them is innately attracted to that 'miniature' realm.

I always knew that I wanted to be a writer. I think I was six or seven when I learned how to read, and I still remember it.

One day I'd love to release a coffee table book of all the crazy notes I got from Disney Channel's S&P and legal department.

While everyone was out playing dodgeball, I was lying on the blacktop waiting for a UFO to take me out of elementary school.

The most important thing is not the work I can do for God. The most important thing is to make God the most important thing.

I define art as a work created by a human that has a unique point of view and discovers something that was not there before.

The inclination of my life...has been to do things & make things which will give pleasure to people in new and amazing ways.

You can design and create, and build the most wonderful place in the world. But it takes people to make the dream a reality.

Do not be fooled by its commonplace appearance. Like so many things, it is not what outside, but what is inside that counts.

I have an amazing education through my wife on female fans and perspectives on it. Things that I never would have thought of.

To take full advantage of computer animation, you have to pay as much attention to the believable as you do the unbelievable.

What's most important in animation is the emotions and the ideas being portrayed. I'm a great believer of energy and emotion.

Once you have heard a strange audience burst into laughter at a film you directed, you realize what the word joy is all about.

I love Japan. I love the collision of the modern and ancient worlds coming together in that place. It's so high-tech and cool.

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