I love my curves.

I'm an old cynic.

I love Vancouver.

I love Comic Con.

Chivalry is dead.

Dance saves lives.

I'm very insecure.

I am a New Yorker.

I want to be calm.

I love spicy food.

I am a movie star.

Living is risking.

I'm an only child.

I love 'Homeland.'

God bless nannies.

I'm painfully shy.

I love tube socks!

I love 'Top Chef.'

Monologues are fun.

I really love yoga.

I'm a super tomboy.

I know what sin is.

I don't wear jeans.

Youth is beautiful.

Dating is... weird.

I have a big mouth.

I was a Girl Scout!

I'm a big taco fan.

I have busy nights.

I don't like magic.

I'm sort of a slob.

Guys are so visual.

I'm a strong woman.

I was a big tomboy.

I'm so not perfect.

I love Hindi films.

I like diner coffee.

I love Mexican food.

I love room service!

I grew up in Boston.

I can be very moody.

I love oral hygiene.

Talent is seductive.

Old is the new sexy.

Privacy is paradise.

My parents trust me.

I want to entertain.

I love to play gigs.

I grew up on a farm.

Life is a full meal.

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