For me, nothing is impossible.

For me, it's important to feel good.

I think my agents take care of my future.

I was born in Kosovo and grew up in Switzerland.

I am proud to have started in the Champions League.

As I was always the youngest, I had to fight for everything.

When I played for the Basel youth team, I also worked in a sweet shop.

Swiss guys are always exactly on time, but Albanians are not like this.

Klopp impresses me so much that I say I want to win the title for this man.

English football is very offensive, all about fast attacks, and I like that.

With German teams, they always sit together - there are no phones on the table.

We Shaqiris are observant Muslims, but we are a long way from everything extreme.

Of course it's a big change from Stoke to Liverpool. Liverpool is a big, big team.

Everybody knows I'm a player who wants to play at the highest level; this is pretty normal.

What if the coach of Kosovo wants me as the captain? Of course, I am thinking about it then.

Not everything depends on me. I can't dribble the ball all the way from the back to the front.

I live the Swiss mentality but the Kosovo mentality too, because when I go home, I speak Albanian.

If I were to leave Stoke, it would have to be a step up for me. Everything would have to be right.

Here at Stoke, I cannot exert too much influence, simply because there is a lack of quality around me.

Whether players are from Albania or Yugoslavia is not important. What's important is to be a team on the pitch.

Every player wants to play on the biggest stages in football. I have played for big teams. I know what it takes.

Liverpool is one of the best teams in the world - everybody can see that - and now we have to do it on the pitch.

I have always wanted to play in the Premier League because I am a fast, strong player, and I think it will suit me.

When I came to Stoke, I expected them to be moving forward, every year getting better, but it's not been like this.

I have admired Jurgen Klopp for a long time because his teams play fantastic football, and he is a fantastic person.

It was always my dream to come to the Premier League because I love this league, and I love this country. It's an amazing place.

Inter's infrastructure is a shame, to be honest. That such a prestigious club does not find a way to invest in its infrastructure is disappointing.

It's the most important thing - especially for a young player who wants to improve - to improve his talent and learn, and the best way to do that is to play in the games.

Some ex-football players, or ex-teammates, they spoke to the media, and it looks like I am a bad boy or something, but I've never been a bad boy or had some problems at a club!

My parents wanted me to stay in England because they love the football here and how the people feel about football. It was important for them, too, that I stayed in the Premier League.

It's very important to have a coach who wants to win every single game and who approaches them like they are not a problem - whether it is against Sunderland or Man City or against anyone.

You have competition all over the world, not only in football, in normal life, too. Everyone fights for his place, but in the end, we have many games to play, and everybody is going to play games.

I'm very proud with how my story has gone. I've played for some very big teams, and it is not normal how I got there. It is a dream for every player to have this kind of career, so I am very proud of this.

Every player wants to play. That's pretty normal. Every player is unhappy when he's on the bench. That's pretty normal, too. But it's football: only 11 players can start, and the coach has his game plan for each game.

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