I got, like, 120 pairs of glasses and 800 pairs of sneakers.

I really don't look at myself as a defensive end or a linebacker or a cornerback or a safety. I don't try to limit myself to just rushing the passer or dropping back in coverage or being a run-stopper; I try to be great at football.

The crazy thing is I got all of these shoes, and probably 80 percent of them I've never worn before. I've worn all the glasses. I sleep in them, bend them up a little bit. Glasses are on all the time except when I'm at practice or at work.

I'm at my best when people are depending on me. If it's just on me and I don't have nothing to do, I'm going to be lazy. On the football field, it's every single day, every play, knowing that people are depending on me to make my play. That helps me elevate my game to another level.

Out of high school, I was, like, 202-205 pounds. My rookie season, I was, like, 245; my second year, I was 255. My third year, I got up to like 272, and I tore my ACL. I don't know if my weight was part of the cause of that, but I got hurt, so I just tried to re-evaluate my situation.

I've had asthma my whole life. My mom used to hook the generator up to the Suburban and roll the extension cord all the way down to the football field and have my nebulizer hooked up to that so I could take treatments in between offense and defense. I was in the fifth grade when she started doing that.

I like the sci-fi channel. Just science in general. I came across a segment on time travel and how time travel is possible. We create a spaceship that's moving at almost the speed of light, we go in that spaceship in outer space, and we fly around for a year, when we get back to Earth, Earth would've aged 10 years.

I like Lil Wayne's style. His style probably influences me the most. Basically, he's just wearing exactly what he feels like wearing. He goes to the club, and he's got shorts and a wife-beater on. That shows you what type of celebrity he is and what he is able to pull off, fashion-wise. I try to be in that same lane.

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