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What do we know about the diseases carried by illegal aliens? Not much, thanks to government secrecy, but we know enough to be worried.
The Republican Party looks at massive immigration, legal and illegal, as a source of cheap labor, satisfying a very important constituency.
Trump is not a conservative and has no conservative agenda. If elected president, he would not govern as the second coming of Ronald Reagan.
Radical Islam's principles are out there for all to see if they open their eyes. But what are our principles? In truth, they are up for grabs.
Folks, the zombies are not on television - they are in Washington, D.C., and they meet at the Capitol Hill Club and call themselves 'Realists.'
Our Founders were not naive simpletons. They understood that human freedom is a fragile thing, that 'eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.'
Rubio is clearly an open-borders Republican. He is the Chamber of Commerce candidate, the 'more is better' candidate, and the amnesty candidate.
Progressives really do see America as guilty of crimes against humanity, and to them, our 'greatness' must be abandoned to atone for those crimes.
In most cases, the only genuine victims of the 'safe places' demands for censorship are conservative student groups and their invited guest speakers.
Conservatives have the advantage of knowing how to debate each other on issues, principles, and priorities, and that is where they should engage Trump.
Our secular culture is adrift in a sea of relativism, escapism, and self-indulgent inanities, with our media and entertainment elites leading the parade.
If voters' anger is the hallmark of the 2016 campaign, nothing has generated that anger as much as the establishment's decade-long duplicity on immigration.
I believe that what we are fighting here is not just a small group of people who have hijacked a religion, but it is a civilization bent on destroying ours.
The public health ramifications of our scandalous open borders are possibly even more dangerous and far-reaching than the economic and political consequences.
The power of Political Correctness is demonstrated by the entire political establishment coming to the defense of open immigration from Muslim-majority nations.
The issue of remittances where we have millions of Mexicans working in the United States sending back dollars. He said they send back 10 billion dollars a year.
My policy has always been to say what I believe to be in the best interest of the American people and hope the voters agree, or at least will respect my honesty.
If we in fact were to begin enforcing the law against people who are hiring people who are here illegally, we would go a long way towards eliminating the problem.
You can bring down governments, you can do a lot of things that are in your own interests even though liberals will get very antsy when you start talking about it.
Tolerance of true diversity on university campuses - diversity of opinion and belief - has been eroding for decades while alumni and trustees looked the other way.
Civil disobedience is, in fact, a conservative idea, a few steps short of overt rebellion. It honors the rule of law by insisting on good law and rejecting bad law.
We have to fight radical Islam wherever it exists. It’s in Afghanistan, it’s in Saudi Arabia, throughout the Middle-East in big numbers and it’s in the United States.
We have to fight radical Islam wherever it exists. It's in Afghanistan, it's in Saudi Arabia, throughout the Middle-East in big numbers and it's in the United States.
I do not have a 10-point plan or a formula for reversing our accelerating slide into tyranny. But any fool can see what doesn't work and what has no chance of success.
To be called a sovereign nation, a nation has to be able to control its own borders. It is controlling your own destiny in a way, and we don't control our own borders.
Those that clamor loudest for Columbus to be erased from the pages of American history do so far more because of their hatred for America than their love of the Indians.
Trump wants to repeal birthright citizenship for children of illegal aliens, so Fox has joined conventional liberal opinion in opposing it. Welcome to Fox's My Spin Zone.
ISIS hates the West as an abominable nest of infidels - infidels who reject the Quran and Shariah Law and so must be annihilated. We are the obstacle to the new Caliphate.
The mutating virus of multiculturalism has escaped its breeding ground in elite universities and is now running rampant across popular culture, entertainment, and politics.
The genius of Rachel Dolezal's transracial achievement is that it has nearly limitless applications. Rachel is taking 'the power of positive thinking' to a whole new level.
Welcome to the brave new world of American multiculturalism. From a nation of diverse peoples united by a common culture, we have become a people divided by a common malady.
Sanders' coalition of millions of spoiled, narcissistic rich kids and big-government addicts is worlds apart from the Trump coalition, and the two have very little in common.
It is a leftist myth that European conquerors and settlers encountered only peaceful, virtuous tribes and subdued them murderously in the name of Christianity and Capitalism.
Obama's most radical goal has not been the transformation of our economy, our foreign policy, or our place in the world. Obama aims to transform what it means to be an American.
The reality is that we can no longer sleep soundly at night thinking that if we keep the terrorists 'out there,' we are safe inside our homes and offices. That illusion is gone.
Unlike the Vietnam boat people or Cuban refugees after Castro came to power, the U.S. has no moral responsibility for the chaos in Syria. In fact, just the opposite is the case.
The path chosen by Barack Obama and the Democrat Party is the road to 'small-c- communism' - and the important thing to understand is that they are quite happy with that choice.
To Barack Obama and the American Left, the 'imperialist' West is always guilty, and so, radical Islam is seen as at least half right in attacking Western values and institutions.
The mainstream media and most of the political establishment are too quick to slander as 'nativist' the advocacy of barring of Islamist radicals from legal entry into the United States.
When the rule of law is being perverted to the rule of the 'good intentions' of unelected judges, it is time for serious study of Thomas Paine and Sam Adams as much as Washington and Madison.
If you think data about illegal alien crime is hidden from public, just try to find information on the contagious diseases brought across our borders by illegal aliens from nearly 100 countries.
The Left wants Islam not only tolerated across the globe but invited and welcomed inside the gates and into our schools, our entertainment, our military our legislatures, and yes, the White House.
We now live in a very polarized nation, divided not between Republicans and Democrats but between those who want to defend our liberties and those who want to defend politically correct stupidities.
This issue, if not addressed, leaves any President, including George Bush, open to the criticism that they are essentially ignoring the destruction of the nation and I believe that with all my heart.
Because the worst of all worlds is when you pretend like you have an immigration policy, you make coming into the United States without our permission illegal, and then you actually don't enforce it.
The media will not admit that Trump's America and Sanders' America are as different as Venus and Mars: they represent a very polarized America with two different answers to the question, 'Who are we?'
In truth, the 'populist anger' fueling Trump's coalition is fundamentally different from Sanders' 'progressive populism.' The superficial similarities between the two end when they talk about solutions.
The Left hates United States' sovereignty, capitalism, Christianity, and the freedoms guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. To the Left, anything that helps undermine those institutions is an ally, not an enemy.
It is neither racist nor elitist to say publicly what every rational person believes privately - that if you don't know anything about a subject, you ought not to raise your hand or cast a ballot on the matter.
This epidemic of student demands for 'safe places' to protect against threatening words and ideas would make a great science fiction film, but unbelievably, events seem to be outpacing the political imagination.