To beat terrorism, there's only one candidate who can do it and it's Hillary Clinton.

I think it actually strengthens your critique when you aren't just "no" on everything.

No couples in Virginia can adopt other than a married couple - that's the right policy.

I am a governor who left office with a smaller general fund budget than when we started.

Governor Pence said, inarguably, Vladimir Putin is a better leader than President Obama.

Usually the president is kind of the initiator of the idea, then Congress makes it work.

I'm really fortunate. I grew up in a wonderful household with great Irish Catholic parents.

I ask the GOP leaders also to stand up for the integrity of the American electoral process.

Anne and I have now been married almost 32 years, and I am the luckiest husband in the world.

You [Republicans] are not going to cut taxes. You're going to raise taxes on the middle class.

You will look in vain to see Donald Trump ever taking responsibility for anybody and apologize.

We trust Hillary Clinton, my wife and I, we trust her with the most important thing in our life.

The president doesn't get a line-item veto, so all the budgetary approps stuff is with Congress.

The American public will be clear on who's most fit to be president. And that's Hillary Clinton.

I reported everything I was given, even if I didn't keep - I did not keep the vast majority of it.

For me the hardest struggle in my faith life was the Catholic Church is against the death penalty.

I ask unanimous consent that I be able to deliver a floor speech on immigration reform in Spanish.

The research clearly demonstrates high-quality early childhood opportunities help children succeed.

Donald Trump's idea that more nations should get nuclear weapons. Saudi Arabia, Japan, South Korea.

I think there's going to be an obligation to show that Trumpism is not a complete equivalent for GOP.

I think people are very focused on the economic issues. They want an economy that works for everybody.

In fact, that's a great thing about America and even about being Catholic, we have plenty of opinions.

If you want a senator who'll partner with the president to do what's best for the nation, I'm your guy.

I can't take classified information that I get as a senator and give it to someone with no consequence.

Donald Trump started this campaign in 2014 he said if I run for president I'll absolutely release my taxes.

I am proud of Hillary Clinton because she has been and is a great history maker - in everything she has done.

Absolutely without firing a shot and instead of 175,000 American troops deployed overseas we now have 15,000.

I don't think we can dignify documents dumped by Wikileaks and just assume that they're all accurate and true.

I work on the Armed Services and Foreign Relations committees to keep us safe at home and strong in the world.

People will pay a price for putting political obstruction over progress in a time that is so critical and urgent.

Americans need to worry about whether Trump will be watching out for America's bottom line or his own bottom line.

You don't ask people to sacrifice their lives until the nation has debated and committed to the mission. It's immoral.

Over 17 years, I took on banks, landlords, real estate firms, local governments, anybody who treated anybody unfairly.

Most evil in the world is only partly because of an evil person. Most of it is because of the complicity of bystanders.

You see Democrats who will demonize business. I don't do that. You see Republicans who demonize labor. I don't do that.

Hillary Clinton has held vast dreams. She was inspired at a young age that society does well when women and children do.

Criminal justice is about respecting the law and being respected by the law so there is a fundamental respect issue here.

Americans need to worry about whether Donald Trump will be watching out for America's bottom line or his own bottom line.

I don't think that women should be punished as Donald Trump said they should, for making the decision to have an abortion.

Social security has enabled people to retire with dignity and overwhelmingly not be in poverty. We have to keep it solvent.

If you don't know the difference between dictatorship and leadership then you got to go back to a fifth grade civics class.

I predict after this whole thing is over, what we'll remember about the failed candidacy of Donald Trump is, 'You're fired.'

A president should take action to defend the United States against eminent threat. You have to. The president has to do that.

If you look at sentencing in America, African-Americans and Latinos get sentenced for the same crimes at very different rates.

When a guy running for president will not support the troops, not support veterans, not support teachers, that's really important.

My faith is central to everything I do. My faith position is a Good Samaritan position of trying to watch out for the other person.

The job of a legislator is much more fixing existing law, revising it, improving it, than it is passing something that doesn't exist.

Donald Trump must give the American public his tax returns to show that he's qualified to be president and he's breaking his promise.

We need to work on drug costs, and there's things we can work on on drug costs, especially Medicare Part D, to bring drug costs down.

Donald Trump's living in a different time, a time that is not a match for what Americans now believe about who our leaders should be.

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