Prison works.

I was a teenage godmother.

Targets don't fight crime.

Our laws must protect victims.

Knife crime devastates communities.

The Snowden leaks did cause damage.

On gay adoption I have changed my mind.

Britain is an open and tolerant country.

I've been clear that Brexit means Brexit.

The overall policing budget is protected.

I actually think I think better in high heels.

Police reform is working, and crime is falling.

My whole philosophy is about doing, not talking.

Brexit means Brexit.The public made their verdict.

We have the finest military personnel in the world.

We can bring immigration down to sustainable levels.

I'm not someone who feels anger on particular issues.

I am a great admirer of most of the judges in Britain.

I'm not sure I should reveal the sources of my clothes.

I'm a first-past-the-post person, and always have been.

Local people do want to see more police on the streets.

I have grown used to the focus on my clothes and my shoes.

In tough times, everyone has to take their share of the pain.

It's very important that we unite as a party and as a country.

Targets don't fight crime; they hinder the fight against crime.

One girl subjected to FGM or forces to marry is one girl too many.

We need a bold, new, positive vision for the future of our country.

The public want honesty from their politicians. Not showy gimmicks.

Donald Trump does not understand the UK and what happens in the UK.

My night out would be with my husband, wherever he chose to take me.

For voters what matters is what government actually delivers for them.

You can't solve a problem as complex as inequality in one legal clause.

Tying money up for 40 years doesn't sound appealing when you are young.

I think for voters what matters is the values that drive the government.

We are ensuring that we are checking people who are coming in to the U.K.

Look, we constantly live looking at the issue of the threat of terrorism.

I think major reorganisation is not something the government's about to do.

We're continuing to work to bring immigration down to the tens of thousands.

We are engaged in a struggle that is fought on many fronts and in many forms.

The Government cannot just be consumed by Brexit. There is so much more to do.

I am a vicar's daughter and still a practising member of the Church of England.

I want a counter-terrorism regime that is proportionate, focused and transparent.

UKIP talk a lot about immigration - but they don't have a serious plan for action.

We have a very clear position in the U.K. against torture, and we should maintain that.

The aim is to create here in Britain a really hostile environment for illegal migration.

I'm not willing to risk more terrorist plots succeeding and more paedophiles going free.

If ever there was a time for a PM ready and able to do the job from day one, this is it.

If the police need more help to do their work, I will not hesitate in granting it to them.

I will be ruthless in cutting out waste, streamlining structures and improving efficiency.

I grew up the daughter of a local vicar and the granddaughter of a regimental sergeant major.

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