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Whatever situation you are in - be it familiar spirit, generational curses or infirmity - be released, in the name of Jesus!
If we fail to see that there are powers that cause people to be bowed down in bondage, we are going to fight the wrong battle.
If you have truly been born again, it was the Holy Spirit who convicted you of sin and drew you into a relationship with Jesus.
Lord Jesus, bring comfort to all those who mourn and peace of heart to those under pressure and tension, in Jesus Christ's name
Worrying about next, tomorrow cripples our ability to think, act and exercise faith in the present and the present only is ours.
Jesus Christ said, 'I pray your faith will not fail.' This means your faith will be tested. What is testing your faith right now?
If you are in a hurry to get money, you will be in a hurry to spend it. Anything that starts dubiously will surely end dubiously.
Let us learn to dream again. To learn to dream again is to have big plans. To learn to dream again is to readjust, to look to God.
Except for the grace of God, I would be nobody - and that grace is the opposite of merit - human labour, education or human wisdom.
What can separate us from the love of God? An attempt to separate us by death simply releases us from the imprisonment of this world.
When everything seems to go wrong, with peace of heart, you can press on. With peace of heart, you can press on, whatever life brings.
I am a servant, taking orders and receiving orders. What God tells me, I say, and what He shows me, I see. His will must always supersede.
They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, shall be healed, delivered and set free. Be set free, in the name of Jesus Christ!
Heal me, oh Lord, I will be healed. Save me, oh Lord, I will be saved. Bless me, oh Lord, I will be blessed. Free me, oh Lord, I will be free
What makes you a good citizen makes you a good Christian... Obey the law of your land by not crossing the borders of your nation with Ebola virus.
Remember, when God is executing His plan in our lives, He also designs and arranges events which continue to unfold until His purpose is revealed.
It is not possible to heal people and collect money. That gift is not for sale. When it is time to heal, it is time to give what God has given us.
As Christians, we say what God has said over and over until the thing promised in His Word and desired in our hearts is fully manifested in our lives.
I am not moved by what people say or do concerning my relationship with God. I submit myself to His direct will, which is good and perfect with no evil in it.
Remember, the man who is poor is not the man that has no money, but one without a dream. They are suffering that have no dream. They are poor that have no dream.
In the university of God, however brilliant you may be, you will not be given double promotion. You must take every course, because each course serves a purpose.
Don't envy those who make their wealth in an ungodly way. The wicked SEEM to prosper now and live without a care but they will spend eternity in terror and despair.
I believe the prayers of 30 years ago are not lost. We may not see the results of our labour or sacrifice immediately, but in due time they will produce much fruit.
Viewers all over the world, whatever medium you are using to view us, on Emmanuel TV, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, I command a new dream to come true, in Jesus' name!
You have the right to claim blessing, healing, protection, freedom, deliverance, because He was unjustly nailed to a cross so you could have a life that is fulfilling.
Our lives are in God's hands. We have no control. We can't control Him by using the Bible or cross as a good luck charm without a thorough reformation of heart and life.
That a man built the biggest church in the world is not an issue, not something to be excited about. The people of Satan also have money to build a big place and worship him.
If you have not tasted poverty, you will not be able to manage blessing when it comes. If you have not tasted humiliation, you will not be able to manage honour when it comes.
Viewers all over the world, my prayer partners, whatever situation you are in, be delivered in the mighty name of Jesus Christ! Those who wait upon the LORD shall be delivered!
If God has called you, the more they block your way, the more that trouble and temptation, the more God's love is provoked. Each attempt to stop you asks for more evidence from God.
In order not to end up like the masses out there who are merely wandering and unsure of their goals and dreams, your objective must be clear. When your purpose is clear, your life will have meaning.
Whatever situation you are in, right now, take the authority of Jesus and begin to command that devil out of your life! That cage of infirmity/ setback/ poverty - BE OPENED, in the name of Jesus Christ!
The flag of your nation - wave it! Begin to separate your nation from whatever covenant your forefathers must have had. Break the covenant of corruption/ stealing/ killing/ destruction/ idolatry - break it right now!
As for T.B. Joshua, I am a descendant of my family in Arigidi-Akoko in Ondo State, Nigeria - but as for the divine nature, the power of God affects my life to give peace to people, deliverance to people, and healing to people.
Your career you will only hear the drum of setback but it is time to shine! Whatever situation you have been facing - this is the time you have been praying for to shine, to move, to overcome, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!
When it comes to power, God Himself is the power. God often uses foolish things to confound the wise. That is why people like me will ever be grateful to God. In terms of knowledge, education and name, I am nowhere - a neglected stone.
After my primary school education, I started gathering little children by visiting parents to ask if they wanted somebody to care for their kids by teaching them the Bible. I have never attended any seminary school or Bible college in my life.
There's nothing spectacular about Prophet T.B Joshua. He is just like every other human being. But if there is any difference, it is the grace of God; the righteousness of God. It is a product of the grace of God. So, I am a product of the grace of God.
When you read the Bible, you are reading the Holy Spirit and not history books. When you read history books, you are reading about events, but the Bible is not an event. So, when you are reading the Holy Spirit, you are supposed to be carried along by it.
The work of healing is not my work, but by faith, healing is done. The work of deliverance, great and mighty deliverance, is not my work but is my faith in Him. It is not the works of righteousness which I have done, but according to His grace. I am a product of His grace.
It is not possible for a single person to be working outstanding miracles, signs and wonders which millions of other Nigerians cannot do and for such a person to be an agent of Satan. They - the God's generals - should combine forces and deliver such a satanic person or get rid of him.
I pray for my nation, South Africa. As Jesus stood in the boat and commanded the storms to be calm, I stand in the midst of the storm in my nation, South Africa and I command the storm, wind and waves to be calm, in the name of Jesus! I speak calmness to my nation, South Africa, in the name of Jesus!
Remember, life itself is a mission. While we are on the go, we need to stop between steps to re-focus on the Word and the Will of God. While we are on the go, I mean, while we are on the mission, we need to sometimes stop at intervals to assess our progress and prepare ourselves for the challenges ahead.
How to celebrate the 50th birthday: Go on your knees and thank God (Jesus Christ) for the life of T.B. Joshua. Pray for the Church of God for a strong bond of love. Pray for your nation and the whole world. As you rededicate yourself to the acts of giving for the rest of your life, God bless you. Happy Birthday!
When your maturity is derived from circumstantial factors other than faith, your level of maturity would continue to fluctuate rather than being stable. This is why I am enabled to maintain a balance and stable approach to the challenges that come my way every day. I am not moved by what people say or do concerning my relationship with God.
Those ministers of God who go about condemning me rather than preaching the Gospel they are sent to preach, are doing themselves a great harm. The more they condemn me, the lesser their anointing become. Go round the country today and see what is happening. Those men of God who used to perform great signs and wonder have lost their anointing because of their blasphemies.
There is no one ugly, deep, dark, powerful or evil enough to stop God from loving you. Nothing anyone can ever do to you can sever your connection to God. Nothing you could ever do can dam the unstoppable love of God for you. His love for you is undeniable, unrelenting and unconditional. You may ignore God, ridicule Him and reject Him but His love for you will remain constant and unchanging.
When the Spirit of God comes into us, He wants to be Himself in us. He wants His energy to be poured through us. He wants His wisdom to be deposited in our hearts. He wants His instinct and nature to be evident and obvious in you.He wants us to see what He is looking at, to feel what He feels, to know what He knows, to work with His projects, see life the way He sees it, get His ideas and know His opinion about yourself and others.