Still hiding and afraid to let go. Waiting for you to find me uncover me and show me the way.

He never gives up on who I am or who I could be. He doesn't run away when things get complicated.

I have a theory that the answers to all of life's major questions can found in a John Mayer song.

You can’t ever know the real anybody unless you’re friends with them. And sometimes not even then.

It’s like once everyone decides who you are, you’re locked into their version of you and that’s it.

Maybe it's just hart to see what's right in front of you while you're frantically searching for it.

All I know is, if we don't eat soon I'm going to chew off a limb. And I can't guarentee it'll be mine.

Thats all I need. To find a soul mate to share my life with. To have a love so epic it will never die.

You'll get through this. And I know it's impossible to believe right now, but it gets better. Trust me.

It’s interesting how something that comes so easily to one person can be so impossible for someone else.

I have no interest in maintaining a relationship with someone who didn’t love me enough to stick around.

We know each other in a way that no one else can. We share a history that makes us permanently connected.

Maybe but... if being impulsive means ruining other people's lives, then maybe I should just stay the same.

Standing in the line at the food court, I try to be myself. But I forget how I usually stand when I'm myself.

What do you call it when two people have intense shared history? when nothing can separate them? Soul Sisters

Your life can end in a flash before you even have time to know it’s over. There is no safe. There is no control.

I'm so excited that my stomach is in a jiggle-jaggle of nerves. There they go again. Jiggle. Jaggle. I'm a mess.

It feels incredible to be outside when I’m supposed to be inside. The sensation of freedom is intoxicating. - Sara

In what twisted universe would a girl who's just been dumped still want to be friends with the boy who dumped her?

Love isn't logical, or even our choice. Love chooses us. Sometimes things have to get worse before they get better.

Following your heart means allowing the possibility of finding true love to be stronger than the fear of rejection.

If I’d stopped believing that my life would eventually get better, I don’t think I would have survived high school.

Just because a person chooses to express themselves in an extreme way doesn't mean they have an extreme personality.

FACTS Fact #1 Mean people suck. Fact #2 Bad things happen to good people. Fact #3 Good doesn’t always prevail over evil.

It’s interesting how you can know someone for a long time, and then one day you just see them in this whole different way.

No two people can see the world in the same way. No matter what you’re looking at, no one is seeing it the same way you are.

School would be way more tolerable if everyone wasn’t so afraid to be who they really are. And if everyone else would let them.

This body is yours. It is your home. The keeper of your soul. The resting place of your spirit. No one can ever take that away.

That's the cool thing about having a best friend. They know what your pain feels like already, so you don't have to explain it.

Maybe there is no one perfect person and anyone you end up with will eventually make you think there’s someone better out there.

It's just like John Mayer says in "Slow Dancing in a Burning Room". When it's this bad, you have to get out or you'll get burned.

Do you believe in fate?" "I guess, but . . . its more about creatng the life you want so you can make that fate a reality. You know?

but then you realize that this ‘whole package’ everyone’s looking for is unattainable. No one can be everything you want them to be.

Tobey puts the CD on. Then he comes over and hugs me. I lean my head on his chest. 'I want to know everything about you,' he whispers.

And yeah, it got better. My stomach eventually went back to normal. I didn’t cry every day. But my heart. My heart will always be broken.

My thing is that I'm in love with love. Actually, I'm in love with the possibility of true love. Which could be considered a major problem.

You can never completely know anyone, no matter how well you think you do. There will always be some truth about them you don’t ever get to know.

You can overcome your fears, you cange change, you can make life into what you've always wanted it to be. Maybe not tomorrow, but soon. So hang in.

I mean, maybe under the surface, somewhere that's hard to see, I've known it had to end for a long time. I just never thought I'd be the one to end it.

But the absolute worst was when people asked if I was okay. Because then I had to admit that it was real, it happened, and we weren't together anymore.

But maybe those things are like background noise if you’re from here. Maybe you have to experience this as a whole new place to appreciate it like I do.

But if your boyfriend, out of nowhere and with no advance warning whatsoever, dumps you for no apparent reason, is it really about you? Or is it all him?

I just want to write. It's like once I get those obsessive thoughts out of my head, once they're written down, they're somehow set free and I can move on.

The only person I can count on is myself. It's up to me to create the life I want. I can't blame my parents or Scott or anyone else for the way things are.

Too bad guys aren’t like Mr. Potato Head Where you can pick and choose which parts you want. Then we might come up with a guy who meets your standards. - Maggie

When your heart is shattered into a million pieces, all you can do is try to keep holding on. You breathe. You try to fall asleep. You try to not think about him.

The stupid thing about anger is how people hurt you and then you let them keep hurting you by being angry about how they originally hurt you. It’s a vicious cycle.

There's this total manwhore phenomenon happening, where even the geeks are player now. It's like Manhattan is this giant playground and guys want to keep playing forever.

The huge problems we deal with every day are actually really small. We’re so focused on what bothers us that we don’t even try to see our lives from a clearer perspective.

Derek’s like, “So . . . what do you want to do first?” “I don’t know.” “Feel like ice cream?” “It’s, like, three degrees out.” “That’s why getting ice cream would be badass.

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