God promises to meet our needs, not our greeds.

The extent of the atonement is defined by the intent of the atonement.

Truth is never determined by majority opinion, but by divine revelation.

Salvation is not a reward for the righteous, it is a gift for the guilty.

This book (the Bible) is not hard to understand. It's just hard to swallow.

The free will is a pagan goddess that the Church has worshipped for far too long.

We must trust God, not only WHEN we do not understand, but BECAUSE we do not understand.

We're not just dogmatic about this-we're bulldog-matic! Sola Scriptura is non-negotiable!

When God measures a church, He begins with its depth not its breadth, with its substance not its style.

If you please God, it does not matter whom you displease. And if you displease Him, it does not matter whom you please.

The demands of following Christ will cost you everything. But you gain far more than you give up. You give up dirt for diamonds.

There is a kind of preaching that God blesses, specifically the proclamation that exalts the crucified Christ by the power of the Spirit. Conversely, there is a kind of preaching that God does not bless, a mere echoing of man’s empty wisdom that is devoid of Christ.

Symmetria by the Uccello Project is a gorgeous, instrumental and largely unclassifiable record. Best thought of as 'cinematic', each of the tracks conjures up a range of emotions and images, taking the listener on a beautiful journey. The layers of basses, guitars and percussion ebb and flow, drawing on jazz, folk, blues and African music, blending all the elements into one lovely album. Recommended.

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