Definitely 99% of the hate I get is from other gay people.

I'm not really a very social person. It exhausts me when I'm out.

The poetry of life must not be replaced with matter-of-fact prose.

Matter flows from place to place, and momentarily comes together to be you.

Everyone has to learn to work with people - it's part of being an adult, too.

I'm not always open to creative input when I have my heart set on a creative idea or a message I want to convey.

I want to make honest music and tell honest stories that hopefully reflect the thoughts and feelings other people have.

What puts my mind at rest is knowing I'm a person of integrity. I really do stand for what I say I stand for. I'm real!

Control is as much an effect as a cause, and the idea that control is something you exert is a real handicap to progress

I'd rather have a lot of little donations than a couple big ones. That shows that people care and are giving what they can.

I care about making music and I care about creating experiences for my fans with my music and my videos and my performances.

When people have expectations, you're going to make a lot of them upset - when in fact I'm not trying to represent anybody but myself.

I'm a sensitive guy, and I'm already one of my harshest critics, so if other people are hard on me, it just amplifies how hard I already am on myself.

The songs are always drawn from personal experience; I'm putting myself into my music. I usually am playing myself. It's art, art that represents my life.

I did a handful of photo shoots and I never made any money for it just because I was trying to build a portfolio. I decided that that's not what I wanted to do.

It's really important for me to live purposefully, and I feel that way putting music out in the world and having people connect with it. That means everything to me.

I would like people to see me as someone who is genuine and sincere and cares about the people who support me, and who doesn't forget how lucky I am to be doing what I love.

I'm better at accepting the people who don't have nice things to say about me anonymously, but until you've experienced it, you don't understand how much it can affect you and mess with your mind.

I think it's such utter hypocrisy that so many people in our society were obviously all watching pornography and yet we treat these people [actors] like they're sub-human. I think it's just disgusting.

I'm such an awful faker. Everything that comes out of my mouth needs to be the real deal. Not that I ever try to be deceiving, but sometimes it takes a while to find your voice and find what you want to say.

I wish I could be someone that is more in the moment. There's a benefit to being who I am because I get things done, but I probably don't need to be in my own head all the time because it's intense in there.

People don't like what I represent, and they think I'm trying to represent the whole gay community just because I'm a gay person and I make music. By default I'm supposed to represent a whole community? I think that's ridiculous.

I get the most gratification in life by feeling like I'm doing something purposeful and meaningful and makes a difference to other people, and that comes with its pros and cons. I've accepted this is the kind of person that I am, and this is the path I've chosen in life - and I'm stickin' with it.

Every bit of you has been replaced many times over... The point is that you are like a cloud: something that persists over long periods, whilst simultaneously being in flux. Matter flows from place to place and momentarily comes together to be you. Whatever you are, therefore, you are not the stuff of which you are made.

Life is not made of atoms,it is merely built out of them. What life is actually 'made of' is cycles of cause and effect, loops of causal flow. These phenomenon are just as real as atoms - perhaps even more real. If anything, the entire universe is actually made from events, of which atoms are merely some of the consequences.

I don't think that I have much power at all, and I don't think that I'm trying to do anything outside of making my fans happy with the music that I write and record and, of course, I want to branch out and I want to have more fans, so I try to get interviews and I try to talk to different outlets and I try to get my music everywhere it can be.

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