We are free to choose our actions, . . . but we are not free to choose the consequences of these actions.

Humility is the mother of all virtues, courage the father, integrity the child and wisdom the grandchild.

Two people can see the same thing, disagree, and yet both be right. It's not logical; it's psychological.

If I really want to improve my situation, I can work on the one thing over which I have control - myself.

Consequences are governed by principles, and behavior is governed by values; therefore, value principles!

The problems in life come when we're sowing one thing and expecting to reap something entirely different.

As you care less about what people think of you, you will care more about what others think of themselves.

If you put good people in bad systems you get bad results. You have to water the flowers you want to grow.

Vital to quality of life is the ability to work together, learn from each other, and help each other grow.

Some habits of ineffectiveness are rooted in our social conditioning toward quick-fix, short-term thinking.

Anything less than a conscious commitment to the important is an unconscious commitment to the unimportant.

Win-win is a belief in the Third Alternative. It's not your way or my way; it's a better way, a higher way.

None of us see the world as it is but as we are, as our frames of reference, or maps, define the territory.

Almost every significant breakthrough is the result of a courageous break with traditional ways of thinking.

Integrity is conforming reality to our words - in other words, keeping promises and fulfilling expectations.

You can buy a person's hands but you can't buy his heart. His heart is where his enthusiasm, his loyalty is.

If we can't make and keep commitments to ourselves as well as to others, our commitments become meaningless.

It takes a great deal of character strength to apologize quickly out of one's heart rather than out of pity.

If you don't choose to do it in leadership time up front, you do it in crisis management time down the road.

The key to the ability to change is a changeless sense of who you are, what you are about and what you value.

We are not animals. We are not a product of what has happened to us in our past. We have the power of choice.

Interdependent people combine their own efforts with the efforts of others to achieve their greatest success.

Effective communication is built on the cement of trust. And trust is based on trustworthiness, not politics.

It takes humility to seek feedback. It takes wisdom to understand it, analyze it and appropriately act on it.

The most important ingredient we put into any relationship is not what we say or what we do, but what we are.

Synergy: The combined effect of individuals in collaboration that exceeds the sum of their individual effects.

When air is charged with emotions, an attempt to teach is often perceived as a form of judgment and rejection.

If the ladder is not leaning against the right wall, every step we take just gets us to the wrong place faster.

Our ultimate freedom is the right and power to decide how anybody or anything outside ourselves will affect us.

Our capacity for production and enjoyment is a function, in the last analysis, of our character, our integrity.

Management is formal authority given from above. Leadership is moral authority given from below and all around.

When you make a commitment to yourself, do so with the clear understanding that you're pledging your integrity.

The reflection of the current social paradigm tells us we are largely determined by conditioning and conditions.

How many on their deathbeds wished they'd spent more time at the office - or watching TV? The answer is, No one.

All things are created twice. There's a mental or first creation, and a physical or second creation to all things

The challenge of work-life balance is without question one of the most significant struggles faced by modern man.

Effective people are not problem-minded; they're opportunity minded. They feed opportunities and starve problems.

Only as we keep an open communication with our deep inner life will we have the wisdom to make effective choices.

Prepare your mind and heart before you prepare your speech . What we say may be less important than how we say it.

Remember, we are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.

The essence of synergy is to value differences-to respect them, to build on strengths, to compensate for weaknesses

We immediately become more effective when we decide to change ourselves rather than asking things to change for us.

The place to begin building any relationship is inside ourselves, inside our circle of influence, our own character.

If our feelings control our actions, it is because we have abdicated our responsibility and empowered them to do so.

Be proactive. Ask yourself, "Are my actions based on self-chosen values or on my moods, feelings and circumstances?"

Trust is the highest form of human motivation. It brings out the very best in people. But it takes time and patience.

The ability to establish, grow, extend, and restore trust is the key professional and personal competency of our time.

Integrity in the Moment of Choice: Quality of life depends on what happens in the space between stimulus and response.

Affirm people. Affirm your children. Believe in them, not in what you see but in what you don't see - their potential.

True effectiveness is a function of two things: what is produced (the golden eggs) and the producing asset (the goose).

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