If you ever feel lonely and feel that no one loves you and cares for you - remember me.

What puts you on the road is your desire to enjoy. What brings you home is being in love

When mind controls man, it’s ... Bhoga (bondage). But when man controls mind, it’s...Yoga

Meditation means seeing God within you, and love is seeing God in the person next to you.

Let the mind calm down and the heart start to open. Then everything will be very obvious.

Just as when spring comes, Nature celebrates, When Navaratri comes, the Spirit celebrates.

When you see #‎ happiness in the happiness of others, that's when you will be truly happy.

Even stupid people have a role to play in your life. They make you wiser and more patient.

Knowledge of life brings confidence, and Knowledge of death makes you fearless and centred.

Your world is very small. Your world is bundle of your experiences. Have you observed this?

If you see long term benefit in doing something, but short term pain then you should do it.

Technology has made the world into a Village. Spirituality has made it into a Global Family.

Acceptance does not mean inaction; acceptance is actually acknowledging the present situation.

When you become content in life, you gain the power to bless others. This is the law of nature.

When you are fully present, you are truly living; the rest of the time, you are merely existing

Your non attachment to the mundane is your charm. Your attachment to the divine is your beauty.

One who can learn to flow with the current as well as manage the current is the successful one.

Longing gives you the power to bless. Bless the entire creation. For, the longing in you is God.

What path you choose is not important. How intensely you pursue that path is much more important

The source of your mind is love and whatever you do to go to that source, is spiritual practice.

Navratri represents how the negativity can be conquered by the inherent positive qualities in us.

Your life is perfect, it is a perfect plan; it is a spontaneous miracle. It is both every moment.

It is the inner peace that can bring peace in our family, in society and ultimately, in the world.

Spirituality is allowing compassion and love to flourish. When belongness begins, corruption ends.

See the possibility that people and things can change at any time and don't hold on to judgements.

The rush to enjoy robs the joy from life and only denies the happiness and freedom of here and now.

You will find the Divine in the last place, because once you find it, you will not go on searching.

Faith is the subject of the head. Devotion is the subject of the heart and meditation connects both.

Let my hands be of service to people. Let me earn wisdom through my hands. Let my hands do good work

To love is to see the divine in the person beside us, and to meditate is to see the divine within us.

If you are a taker of happiness you get misery, if you are a giver of happiness you get joy and love.

Service brings merit, merit allows you to go deeper in meditation, meditation brings back your smile.

The master is presence. The world is relativity and relativity has limitations. Presence is unlimited.

Worrying doesn't make any difference, but working does and spirituality gives one the strength to work

Yazidis are facing the worst genocide of our times. They have been reduced from 23 million to 1 million.

If something is not working today, then something better is in store. This surety should be in our mind.

Meditate. A few minutes of deep meditation will connect you with the ocean of intuition deep within you.

Life is a combination of destiny and free will. Rain is destiny; whether you get wet or not is free will!

For success in life you need yukti (skill) and shakti (strength), Bhakti (Devotion ) and Mukti (Freedom).

The positive aspect of competition in a business scenario is it helps you to be more alert and innovative.

Favorable and unfavorable conditions are part of living but smiling through them all is the Art of Living.

The purpose of laughter is to bring one to silence, and the purpose of silence is to bring one to laughter.

Much energy is wasted in trying to charm others. And in wanting to charm - I tell you, the opposite happens

When a storm comes, it is the trees that get uprooted. Be as humble as the grass and nothing can touch you.

A healthy mind always likes to adore others, elevate them. An unhealthy mind likes to pull everything down.

A Guru is there to show you what you are. You are not different from Me. Whatever I am, that is what you are.

When you make Service your sole purpose in life, it eliminates fear, focuses your mind and gives you meaning.

why can't we control our anger? because we love perfection. make a little room for imperfection in our lives.

When the mind is free of fear, guilt, anger and is more centered, then it holds the power to heal any ailment.

Don't postpone your happiness until some perfect future date. Be happy now, tomorrow will take care of itself.

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